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Nvidia – Upcoming Kepler Fix Will Increase Performance In Several Games

24 Sep 2008
Essex innit!
A few days ago Nvidia reported on working on driver updates to address Kepler issues with The Witcher 3. It appears though, that Kepler owners will enjoy a performance boost in several games with the new driver.
Nvidia’s ManuelG noted that the upcoming drivers will offer a universal fix for Kepler GPUs that will boost performance in various PC games.

Read more: http://wccftech.com/nvidia-upcoming-kepler-fix-increase-performance-games/#ixzz3bZaonm64

Just a heads up for the Kepler users :)
Exactly. It's not just a chrome issue at all.

Also, don't want to **** on anyone's chips, especially as I own 2 780Tis, but has anyone actually read the article? I wouldn't get too excited from one poorly worded sentence on a forum by manuelG that just mentions "driver fixes"......"not just limited to Witcher 3". That's quite vague really isn't it and certainly doesn't guarantee in my mind that Kepler performance will be totally as it should be.

Maunuel Guzman is a good guy. If he says there will be a fix, there will be a fix and it was more the nVidia quote being the reason I posted this thread.

As for the conspiracy theories (and why Shankly is in here I will never know, as he flat out refuses to ever own nVidia, so I take that as trolling), I just can't see it. I would put it down to Kepler/Fermi taking a back seat while Maxwell is getting all the love.
What is funny, Surveyor jumps in straight away when anyone has anything bad to say about a pro AMD video (deletes posts that didn't suck up to it) and yet, the trolls are allowed to post what they like in this thread. jokes without being funny!

This thread was meant as good news for Kepler users, not a troll thread for AMD users.
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im sorry gregster but ive seen plenty of trolls on both side doing plenty of baiting. Now i cannot speak for Surveyor and his actions on these boards against such as you speak, but you come off as if the nvidia folk here on these boards are always under attack for no reason. I think your better than such a statement friend. The nvidia fans has earned a lot of the flak their getting just as the amd fans has. Both side are corrupted atm with fanatic followings. Someone has to stop the madness by stepping away but no one is because of pride.

Now just to clarify im not trying to be rude, i have nothing against you or the fact that you have an opinion im just not sharing your view of this situation. Cheers m8. Lets have a pint :D

So many posts from both need moderating tht get left and some real personal insults and if that is the way it is, cool but I like consistency and not one rule for one and a different for another.

Do you know I had the exact same thoughts, problem is I think certain people are more trigger happy with the rtm's

Could be Stanners.
Report them then instead of a pointless post in an nvidia thead?

Absolutely. I didn't make this thread for trolls to jump in with pointless charts, I made the thread to give some good news for NVidia Kepler users. If people are trolling in the AMD threads, report them instead of justification of trolling in this thread.
Well the excuse by some is that you always concentrate on your latest first but i dont ever remember old cards getting a constant drop in performance to the point that lower tiers started to catch and overtake in just one gen and the same gen from the competition, so it is not the normal way of things like some try to paint it because if it was there would be no fuss made by anyone.

Well hopefully when the next drivers come, the naysayers can move onto something else :o
There are plenty of threads on other forums of NV users saying it, even on Reddit.
If your not aware then that's your problem, plenty of links have been posted overtime.

You spend way too much time hunting down NVidia threads. You already said you are always on the Geforce forums but you don't even own NVidia cards, so it just comes across as fanboyism's in truth, of which I don't have a problem with and respect what people like.
Its nothing to do with fanboyism and all to do with knowledge of what's going on in the world of gaming and if fact only keeping upto date with the brand you own would be more of a sign of fanboyism.

So you should have known that NVidia are addressing the problem and as said in the OP, there will be a fix coming and for several games. In a term you will personally be used to:

"better late than never" :D
Yes i already knew, where did i say i didn't, i knew about it all before it was posted on OCUK, it still does not change the point.

If you had a point, I would accept it but this thread isn't for AMD trolling (I have said it enough) and is for NVidia Kepler users. I thought some good news for those guys would be good and I didn't really expect this level of AMD users participation. If you want to discuss underhand tactics, make another thread and I will be happy to discuss it there.

Hopefully Kepler users have just read the OP and moved on.
Was i do is not down to you, the fact is you choose to ignore what other NV users have been saying for the past year is your problem

I gotta be honest. I haven't noticed any performance loss in my games. but I do use vsync. I run most games at 2k or 3k DSR'd to 1080p. Last drivers actually gave me a increase in alien isolation benchmark LOL.

Thanks for posting your own findings Metalmackey :)
Well done nvidia you got a driver out before AMD... Well done.. well done..considering AMD didnt need a driver as it had perfectly working ones already.. But this is a driver release competition, working or not doesnt matter..so good job nvidia..well done.. lets clap our little hands.

PS: Sorry for the sarcastic comment.. i get a little vicious before my morning coffee

Haha. If you look at the AMD drivers thread, you will soon feel better about your cards :D
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