Just putting together a new build. I can't decided what way to go here. Been reading up a bit, but some advice needed.
At the minute, I am using an older crucial 256GB M500 as a boot drive. I also have a Bx500 250Gb. I would like to keep using them. I also have a 2tb wd hdd for storage.
Do I just use one of my existing crucial ssds as the boot, buy 1tb nvme or ssd for gaming drive?
Hope that makes sense
At the minute, I am using an older crucial 256GB M500 as a boot drive. I also have a Bx500 250Gb. I would like to keep using them. I also have a 2tb wd hdd for storage.
Do I just use one of my existing crucial ssds as the boot, buy 1tb nvme or ssd for gaming drive?
Hope that makes sense