O11 Dynamic XL On Steroids

Shopping for plants tomorrow lol.

Hopefully all done by early next week as I have to do the loop flush which is 24 hours and wait for more fittings to complete the jigsaw tubing. Thought the EK matrix 7 was meant to make things easy

It will all be worth it in the end. Hopefully you don’t have anymore issues.
Today I have started on the basic cable management for the Chassis cables and prepared to add the side fans on. Realised the new Matrix 7 distroplate is highly optimised for 3 radiators making my existing 2 radiator setup impossible as the top rad outlet clashes with the NVME extension card.
I have now had to Make a new order to get 3 radiators in there using all compatible parts. EK is like the Apple of technology. Their parts or your life is hell!! :cry:


I have a slim Corsair radiator which fits down the side but because its no EK the inlet and outlet holes are 5mm offset meaning I need to use yet 2 more 5mm offsets!





Annoying too that of all weeks OC UK decide to do a warehouse move so everything is delayed a few days. Probably won't get any new parts now until next week!
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Lian li infinity fans very hard to come by, I'm waiting on the 140mm ones, your getting there slow but sure.
Lian li infinity fans very hard to come by, I'm waiting on the 140mm ones, your getting there slow but sure.
Yeah I bought these months ago. Are they all out of stock now? I don't have much time really during the day, plus im limited on how much I can do until I get the new parts I need to finish it. Spending longer than normal trying to plan the wiring at the back out so I don't need to use force to close it like last time :cry:
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A look at the upgraded power supply today compared to the old AX1500i




Compared to the old AX1500i


Fitting it in this case was a nightmare last time


Much nicer now with the AX1600i

Great customer support with corsair, they sorted me out with a free upgrade, cable management can take forever as you sit there and something bugs you then you have to start over again.
Great customer support with corsair, they sorted me out with a free upgrade, cable management can take forever as you sit there and something bugs you then you have to start over again.
Yep had nothing but great support with Corsair. They replaced my first AX1600i PSU and swapped 8 QL120 fans that had broken RGBs 1 month out of warranty.
Cable management is time consuming, but all I have now is time while I wait for the parts so I can spend time making it as neat as possible. I've ordered a Faberwerk 360 RBG controller now, so need to wait for that too lol.
Received what I had hoped would be the final parts today, but had to scrap that idea as the Corsair Rad on the side just would not connect to the Distroplate. So have used the EK P360 instead which connects to the distroplate with the following fittings.

Right side (closest to Distroplate)

(All EK Torque fittings)
1x 28mm EK extender
1x EK 90 degree
1x 7mm EK extender
1x EK Push in Adapter (The metal insert has to be removed from the Distroplate. took awhile to work out that one lol)

Left side furthest from the Distroplate

1x 28mm EK extender (ordered only 1 so had to order another)
2x EK 90 degree
2x regular hard tube fittings with tubing in between
I have ordered another EK P 360 to go on top and those will require 1x 90 degree and 1x Push in adapters to connect to the Distroplate.

The EK P 360 fits very nicely in the Lian Li OD11 D XL as you will see in the following pics



Still a bit of wiring needed, but will all tidy up tightly and relatively neatly. Here you can see the Faberwerk 360 RGB / Octo Fan controller / Lian Li Controller and Hubby 7
The wiring hanging outside will connect the MO-RA 3 and im planning on using the LED strips to go on the back panel of the case which will be against a wall.


All closes nicely with loads of room to spare


Need to wait now a few days for the next load of parts to arrive. Hopefully the last time!
I used to work with that suff, degreasing heatsinks it's vicious and could kill you very easy if miss used.
Tubing arrived today along with 2 more fittings. Still waiting on about 6 fittings, inline filter and another EK P360 radiator. Fingers crossed they arrive this week :cry:

Alphacool 16/13 Satin PMMA. Needs a hacksaw. Found out the hard way as the normal hard tube cutter cracks it!

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With the right parts to complete the bottom Rad, I decided to get it done today. My intention was to do all the tubing at the end, however with parts coming in drips and drabs, I have no choice, but to complete what I can with what I receive.

These are all the parts necessary for the bottom rad. I did however use an additional 2x 90 degree angles for the quick disconnects to tighten the external tubing. Pics of this are shown further down.


Following pics are the assembly of the bottom rad.






I had to use a small screw to attach the external tube bracket as the normal one interfered with the fittings.







Next up some more cable tidying in the back, PSU added and PSU cables plugging in
most of the cabling is now done. Just need 2 Molex, The GPU RGB, 1 fan cable and 1 more Sata cable. Hopefully I havent missed anything, but while not looking pristine, it all fits with loads of room to spare.



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Soon be time to turn on with luck mate.
Got mine up and running today, I'm knackered with all the cable management just got to dail in the cpu and I'm done.
Got my readings for cpu
sp 104
Pcore 113
e core 86
mc sp 70 v\f curve 5800 1.413v
Not that good but im happy with it as the ram works at rated speeds in bios.

Thanks for help on this mate :)
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A few more parts arrived today. So started piecing the fittings together and installed the top rad. I'll have to install the top rad fans later as I can't access the side radiator fittings with them on. The last fitting typically is for the side radiator!
GPU not installed yet as I am changing the M.2 cover to black as blue doesn't look right. Unfortunately there's nothing I can do about the blue brackets on the GPU Cable as Im not going to order another from Cable Mod.
The Micro USB on the Aquacomputer Flow meter decided to break off too, and the only place selling them is in Germany, so waiting now on one of those, however its not needed to get the PC up and running, so Ill add that later when it arrives.

This is how I connect the CPU inlet to the Distroplate with the AC flow meter attached.



Here is how I connect the Ram outlet to the Distroplate


Parts needed for the Top Rad


Top rad assembly complete however I had to remove the fans as it wouldn't fit with them on, plus I need them off for the final Side Rad fittings.


Top Rad installed. Not a fan of the Z790 Apex colour, but hopefully it will look good when its complete.



Thas all I can do now until the final part (28mm M/F extender arrives. It's still not yet shipped!!) Then Leak testing can begin.
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