O2 XDA Mini S, Anygood?

mrgubby said:
TBH don't know as I reset mine before I used it :D , however My mate used his with the O2 software and it was dog slow & kept freezing.

From what I gather its a different front-end and virus checker.
How do I do a hard reset. I've got the O2 crap on mine, and would love to loose it.
Heres what I have bookmarked:

Firstly do a hard reset, hold the com button and the voice button, soft reset etc..

Let the O2 Extended rom run and install the MMS and GPRS settings so your phone will be configured then when it gives you the option as to what type of install you require, Opt for the Corporate install and use the passcode 0506

This has worked on my XDA and is nice and quick without the O2 active Junk
Bug One said:
Will I loose all my contacts, calendar etc?

You will lose everything , contacts,calendar and any programs you have installed

There is a new Rom available on the O2 website , it would be worth installing it now as it will scrub your machine if you do it in the future.
I installed the new Rom last night. I've not noticed a massive difference apart from the new Connectvity screen and a battery meter up the top in Corporate mode.

Having to input all my settings again was a right pain, but thankfully, it re-synced all my contacts/emails/calendar items from Outlook :)
FishFluff said:
I installed the new Rom last night. I've not noticed a massive difference apart from the new Connectvity screen and a battery meter up the top in Corporate mode.

Having to input all my settings again was a right pain, but thankfully, it re-synced all my contacts/emails/calendar items from Outlook :)

Same here , had a slight panic when I thought I'd lost my calendar but it had defaulted to syncing last 2 weeks , not all :)
mrgubby said:
Same here , had a slight panic when I thought I'd lost my calendar but it had defaulted to syncing last 2 weeks , not all :)
I managed to loose 2 years worth of calendar when I synched my P900 to load them onto this phone.

I didn't press a thing. Plugged the phone in and it deleted the calendar apart from the last 30 days from the phone and outlook. I was none too pleased. :mad:
Bug One said:
I managed to loose 2 years worth of calendar when I synched my P900 to load them onto this phone.

I didn't press a thing. Plugged the phone in and it deleted the calendar apart from the last 30 days from the phone and outlook. I was none too pleased. :mad:

Been there :( , had a PDA once that when I installed the activesync it was set that the PDA overwrote the PC . I have an old PDA that I use to double-backup stuff whenever I use a new/phone/pda with my PC now :)
mrgubby said:
Been there :( , had a PDA once that when I installed the activesync it was set that the PDA overwrote the PC . I have an old PDA that I use to double-backup stuff whenever I use a new/phone/pda with my PC now :)
I must admit I hate any kind of sync. If I want to transfer, let me copy and paste. Sync is stupid.

I had to format my memory card a while back, so I lost all my notes. Plug it in to sync them back, and in all its genius, what does it do. Deletes them all off my PC. Fan flippin tastic.

Put the new ROM on and installed as corporate. Thanks for the tip. Hopefully this ROM is a bit more stable. I've missed a load of calls with the the last build.

Is there any better Calendar software available for this phone. I really liked the SEp900 calendar, but the one that comes with WM5 is pants. When you view by month, if you've got a whole day event, it just adds a little square. The sep900 calendar coloured the whole day in, which was a lot more visually useful.
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Bug One said:
I must admit I hate any kind of sync. If I want to transfer, let me copy and paste. Sync is stupid.

I had to format my memory card a while back, so I lost all my notes. Plug it in to sync them back, and in all its genius, what does it do. Deletes them all off my PC. Fan flippin tastic.

Put the new ROM on and installed as corporate. Thanks for the tip. Hopefully this ROM is a bit more stable. I've missed a load of calls with the the last build.

Is there any better Calendar software available for this phone. I really liked the SEp900 calendar, but the one that comes with WM5 is pants. When you view by month, if you've got a whole day event, it just adds a little square. The sep900 calendar coloured the whole day in, which was a lot more visually useful.

You need to set activesync to replace the info on your pda and not the pc to avoid that.
Another side effect of the new rom, it seems to have solved all the syncing issues I was having! Before the phone synced fine until I disconnected the cable for whatever reason (like you know, to leave the house or something daft...). After that it wouldn't sync until a soft reset. Mildy annoying. It seems to be fixed and working fine though after the upgrade. Also it doesn't have the same slow down it used to after a sync, which is nice.

I'm now 100% happy with this phone and love it to bits :D
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