Oakleys - Vault

20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
I know there are 3 versions of the Vault (rectangular ones), I want to get one for my glasses. Can someone enlighten me the differences between them? I just bought a pair of Prescription Oakleys glasses but dunno which one of them will fit. There seems to be one cost £40 (X-METAL VAULT) ? Then there is the regular Vault and the Wire Vault which are cheaper at £30.

I am confused :confused: are there any differences between them?

link here

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erm...I am not sure, it's rimless oakleys, metal frame. I don't have them in my hands yet, they are getting the lenses made this week.
PhilthyPhil said:
If you don't know what frames you are getting can't you just ask wherever you are buying them from to supply you with the appropriate sized vault?

getting it from vision express, i've asked them but they don't stock the retangular vaults.
MuvverRussia said:
sunglasses hut etc or maybe howells in cardiff should have them.

Bought my oakley vault (large soft vault) from sunglasses hut in cardiff in 2004 if it helps...

Where's sunglasses hut in Cardiff? I've never seen the shop before.
Plus-44 said:
I work for a premium Oakley dealer - so I should be able to help you - I have the Cases list here - so as soon as you find out which ones they are ill tell you which ones are compatible - we are also a high streen shop but were probably miles away from you.


Will do, but they look similar to these.


I wasn't sure about the others since i remember the ones i picked out doesn'#t curve around the face as much as your typical oakleys.
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Plus-44 said:
If it is the Why 8.0 you will be looking at either a Large Metal Vault or the X-Metal Vault.

By the by we also offer engraving!


which one is the large metal ? the £30 one from the first link?
Just had another look, I think these looks the closest to the ones i ordered...

http://www.rubensmenswear.com/pages...ption/new rx frames/why 4/oakley_rx_why_4.htm

Will the normal Metal Vault fit?

It's a Why 4....or its the Why 8.2...not exactly 100% sure.

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Plus-44 said:
What do you want?


Think it would be best do this outside the forums and he's probably half kidding ;)

btw, what is the strongest index oakleys do with their prescription sunglasses? I am like -5/-5.25 !
Got them in my hands now, it turns out they are Why 4 frames, and Vision Express did give me a round Oakleys Vault with them too with the lens bag inside. :D

p.s. i also checked out the Sunglasses Hut in Capitol but they don't seem to sell the square Vault, or at least the girl on the til doesn't know what i am on about. I ask directly if she sell the vault for Why 4 frames ans she said no.
Plus-44 said:
The 'X-Metal' vault will be the one you'll want, if you want a sqaure metal vault, 'The Vault' will be too big and 'The Wire Vault' might be a tad small.

Just had a closer inspection, my glasses doesn't fit in the round vault very well. It only goes in 1 way, any other way the case will catch one of the ear piece that it sticking out.

Plus-44 said:
It wouldnt be dramatically extra - if your wanting a proper quote, you'll have to give me a bell at work one day and I'll have a look for you!


might be a few months yet, practically had to sell a kidney for these puppies. But will keep you in mind, feel free to add me to msn for future reference :)
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SiD the Turtle said:
I must be really really dense. I thought you could only get terrible 'prescription glasses' style sunglasses, like the horrible pair I got for about 50 quid from Specsavers. Any common high street shops that do these on prescription? Vision Express etc?

vision express does all kinds of designer frames, my last pair were/are (prescription only went up a tiny bit) Calvin Klein, now I got a pair of Oakleys and DKNY. There are also Prada, Ray Ban and Police that i tried on. My sister has a pair of Gucci, you can get all sorts.
Raikiri said:
£350 :eek: nice glasses though

I have been looking for some new ones myself but can't afford anywhere near that much :(

Which ones look better? http://www.specsavers.co.uk/cgi-bin...r&range=designer&price=&page=1&prodid=1002162 or http://www.specsavers.co.uk/cgi-bin...&range=designer&price=&page=11&prodid=1002342

Hmmmm...hard choice, they are both quite generic. Is that waht you want? My last pair was CK but no one can tell, and you can't unless you can read the tiny writing on the side. I prefer ear piece on the OSIRIS but the fonr end of the Quicksilver.

Mine actually was £200 for the frame and £240 for the lenses (thinnest ones you can get.) :eek: Thou it still look quite thick, going to go back to double check with them that it is the right lens i paid for.
Raikiri said:
It is what I can afford :p and they are the kinda shape that suits me.

I like all of these though:
http://oakley.com/o/o2206d (in black chrome)

for me its between the Spoke and the straight line, you really need to try them on to see if they suit you. Last time i tried rimless i thought they make me look 10 years older, but these oakleys suits me a lot better. Have you apply for those H2 something forms? you might get a discount. And Optical Express does 25% student discount, thou i dunno if they sell Oakleys.
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