Oblivion 2 buy or not to buy!?!



21 Apr 2006
Hi all,

For some time now I’ve been thinking of buying Oblivion but I just don’t know if I should or not. I haven’t played any of the elder scrolls series so I don’t know if this will affect my game play not knowing what is going on or is it a totally different game? I’ve played and playing mmorpgs online (Wow) atm I think I need some convincing to play Oblivion. Also I want to try and run it so it’s really nice and pretty without lag if possible.


Athlon dual core 4800+
2 gig ocz plat memory
Ati x1900 xt
Ati x1900 xtx
24” dell

So any movies I know that the eye candy is good :P just want that little boost anyone downloaded it from Direct 2 Drive? Is it safe etc?

D2D – Get it now £26.80
Or wait 4 days - £24.00 – postage: P

(D2D in fav atm)
ah right cheers for that :P does anyone know if D2D version does support the mods?
I'm a real time strategy/turn based strategy/first person shooter gamer and I took the plunge and bought Oblivion not knowing what to expect. All I can say is I'm converted to RPG. It is awesome and has more depth than any strategy or FPS game I have ever played. There are references to Morrowind in the game but it doesn't stop you getting 100% from the game.

As for the rig standing up to it, it's an intensive game with stunning scenery but my Athlon XP2600@2Ghz, 2GB RAM and AGP 7800GS play it very nicely at 1024px. Looking at your specs, I should imagine it would look stunning.

BUY IT!!!!!! It's the best game I've ever played and many other players and independent reviewers agree too.
Mp4 said:
I haven’t played any of the elder scrolls series so I don’t know if this will affect my game play not knowing what is going on or is it a totally different game?

It's a totally different game, the story is self-contained so you won't be missing anything by not playing the other Elder Scrolls games.
If you don't want to wait I'd buy it in the shops as it's only about £27 now (same price as D2D but you get a proper DVD). IMO D2D should be far cheaper really as they're saving on packaging and distribution costs :)

Here's a 20 minute gameplay video of Oblivion (right click, save target as, 120MB). It should convince you if nothing else has yet! I'm really enjoying it at the moment and I'm by no means a hardcore RPG fan :)
Another thing, I don't believe you and patch the game if you get D2D version. I think it says summert about it on the patch download page of official website.
momentimori said:
What's it encoded with? No piccies here just a very large sound file

Not sure - it worked on mine and I have a fair amount. I can't even remember all of the codec's I've got installed :o

Try Video Lan Player - link. This is free, works with a wide variety of operating systems and it'll play most video files without needing a codec
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