Oblivion - PC or 360?

7 Mar 2005
With the PC I have in my sig would Oblivion play better than the 360 version or am I better off getting the guaranteed 360 performance?
Looking at your sig i would say PC, but i personally think it looks better on pc where as some people would prefer how it looks on the console, but to be honest on pc you can get more graphics effects with you pc.
It has to be pc, as the modding community definatley kept morrowind alive with continual great additions - and they are now working to make oblivion a more rewarding experience.
Your comp looks fine for Oblivion (not maxed out though...but hardly anyone runs Oblivion maxed out!!) and like others said, mods are awesome. Also a huge bonus is that if you come across a bug/glitch in the game, you can use the debug console on the pc to fix it, whereas on the 360 you're just stuffed!
The day I see Oblivion looking like this on an Xbox 360 (thanks to hardware and mods) is the day I swan-dive off Preston Bus Station into a 20ft. deep pile of cow ****, enough said really. Get the PC version.

P.S. Sorry if the brightness is way too bright or way too dark, it looks fine on my screen. Having some issues sorting out the brightness on my new Hyundai ImageQuest, and sorry about the .jpg compression too because I saved it in MS Paint (not got Photoshop installed right now.)
Its a big game, where you can spend hours and hours infront of your PC. I can see the attraction in the 360 version, as you can chill out on the sofa and play it, instead of hunched up on your pc for hours.
With your PC i would say go for that. I would say that at 'stock' both systems would perform similarly but with the nice graphical mods for the PC i think it would look a lot better.. would be cool if Bethesda brought those graphical mods to the xbox though with some code optimisations although it runs well already.
It's not going to be running at daft res, 1280x1024 on my TFT, but i'm always a little paranoid about PC games as some work better than others on non-ultimate pc specs.

The mod thing is a definate plus and I run my 360 through the same screen as the PC so thats not really a factor. I think my cushy PC chair is more comfy than the sofa anyway.
Lanz said:
Its a big game, where you can spend hours and hours infront of your PC. I can see the attraction in the 360 version, as you can chill out on the sofa and play it, instead of hunched up on your pc for hours.
Or you can play the PC version chilled out on your sofa for hours. :p
I think asking in the PC forum, might give you a slight bias. There are many advantages of getting the PC version, not least because it is much cheaper. However, the main question is what you prefer and what your 360 setup is like. I like playing the game on my 42" screen whilst relaxing on the sofa with a wireless pad. The game looks top notch on the 360 and the controls work very well. Performance wise, your PC would be close to the 360 or slightly better, but not a huge amount in it.

Either way, awesome game :)
I play in the front room with my feet up on a HD projector and the graphics and effects look stunning (And I am mainly a PC gamer) - correction....... WAS mainly a PC gamer.
I don't want to get into a console vs. PC fight, while I love PCs as the ultimate in gaming technology I still play my Xbox and plan to trade it up for an Xbox 360 soon. I just have a couple of things to chime-in with really.

Caustic said:
However, the main question is what you prefer and what your 360 setup is like. I like playing the game on my 42" screen whilst relaxing on the sofa with a wireless pad.
The thing about this is that, while it's not common, you can very easily set up a PC as a lounge machine. You can even go all the way and build a pure HTPC. Wireless gamepads and the comfort of the sofa can be had with both solutions, not forgetting wireless keyboards and mouse for anyone who uses those lounge trays for eating on.

Caustic said:
The game looks top notch on the 360 and the controls work very well. Performance wise, your PC would be close to the 360 or slightly better, but not a huge amount in it.
From what I have seen the Xbox 360 does not render any anisotropic filtering in Oblivion, and from what I have heard, it is only able to render 2xFSAA. Mods also increase the visual quality of Oblivion lightyears beyond anything the Xbox 360 will ever accomplish (see my screenshot a few posts up for aan example of very minor tweaking.)
mate got it for 360 and he said it looks toss compaired to pc version. graphics isnt everything though.

You could always stick your pc in your living room and chill out on the sofa and play
PC gets my vote as well. If you asked in the console forum though I'm sure you'd get a different result.

For me the LOD texture replaces make the PC version essential.
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