Oblivion - PC or 360?

Hostile17 said:
For me the LOD texture replaces make the PC version essential.
For me the distant terrain LOD mod, natural environments (with HDR) mod, and BTmod are essential. Anisotropic filtering is even more important.

With the Xbox 360 version you get all the soup in the distance and faded textures to boot. :(
The Xbox 360 sounds like a jet engine, go with the PC :p Unless of course you are one of the mentalists with delta fans throughout - then maybe the 360 :p
I actually prefer the 360 version, I think the graphics look better on the 360 running on my Sammy 32" then they do on my PC. I also find it runs better on the 360 than it does on my PC (x2 4400, 7800 GTX EE, 2gb ram, 2xRaptors in RAID).

I'll admit that if it's mods that interest you then go for the PC version, this was actually the reason I bought both versions. I've actually found I play the 360 version much more than the PC version though.
I was going more towards the PC version but wanted to be sure my setup would do it justice, otherwise the 360 would've come into play. I have a PC copy in my sweaty mitts now, just waiting to finish work to go play.

Where's the best place to get the mods and is there anything else I should know before applying them?

Cheers for all the input peeps, you've been most helpfull.
some good info here as i just got a 32'' lcd and am sick of spending money upgrading my pc every 6 months,anyone with a large lcd have any shots of oblivion in hd on xbox 360?
pugster said:
some good info here as i just got a 32'' lcd and am sick of spending money upgrading my pc every 6 months,anyone with a large lcd have any shots of oblivion in hd on xbox 360?

Here's some pictures I've got taken on my phone. It's on a 32" Hyundai.

Úlfhednar said:
The day I see Oblivion looking like this on an Xbox 360 (thanks to hardware and mods) is the day I swan-dive off Preston Bus Station into a 20ft. deep pile of cow ****, enough said really. Get the PC version.

What hardware and what mods on that screenie?
Jimbo Mahoney said:
What hardware and what mods on that screenie?
Hardware as in sig, and I am using the BTmod, Natural Environments, and Distant Terrain LOD mods which can all be found at TESsource.net if you want them. :)
Ive played it on both, loved it on the 360 apart from the draw distance of things appearing which totally spoilt it, grass/buildings drawing in not too far infront, where as on the pc its a good distance ahead of you.

The graphics look better on pc without a doubt, no af on the 360 as stated and the far off textures on the 360 look pants, where as u can get a wee mod that gives u higher quality ones on the pc.
KraniX said:
my water reflections look a bit blocky and LQ, any ideas of a fix?
There's a mod called Better Water that would suit you perfectly, but it makes underwater parts of the game look artificial as it removes most of the fog. :(
Another vote for PC. You can run it at Higher rez, with higher texture rez, streams off a faster harddrive and you benefit from AA and AF.
Úlfhednar said:
There's a mod called Better Water that would suit you perfectly, but it makes underwater parts of the game look artificial as it removes most of the fog. :(

thanks mate, ill have a look for it.
Definately PC

My rig aint exactly top notch but with UI mods and gameplay mods it's a vastly superior game to the stock Oblivion on 360 or PC. And in some ways the graphics are superior too, with landcapeLOD mods, natural enviroment mods etc, etc.... Imo, the pc mod community single-handedly saved this game from obscurity for me....I wouldn't touch it with a bargepole on the 360 tbh, and I have a 360 in my house.
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