Oblivion v1.1.511 Patch

Hostile17 said:
I'm dissapointed. At the moment my game feels unplayable.. I'm simply too weak. Any enemys I use to be able to kill I can't. Added to that I've become a vampire and the hassle that it intails I might as well give up on the game.

I was really hoping the patch would tweak the difficulty a bit.

(Writing this post has made me think that I could lower the difficulty but It would feel like cheating lol)

that was happening to me, i hate the levelling in oblivion you never feel like you're getting any stronger. Try the oscuro levelling mod, ive been using it for a bit and its great, the NPCs dont level with you :cool:
Just run around at lvl 1 and kill everything eg was able to do the Arena at lvl 1 almost in one game day where as i did it with my other char at lvl 11 and found it hard going.
Last Kronin said:
Just run around at lvl 1 and kill everything eg was able to do the Arena at lvl 1 almost in one game day where as i did it with my other char at lvl 11 and found it hard going.

Thats because the world changes to what lvl you are, unlike morrowind where everything has a preset lvl
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