Oblivion - What settings should i run?

12 Dec 2005
Hey guys.

Here are my specs.

Intel Celeron D 2.93GHz
6800 16 pipes - overclocked

Im running oblivon now, but it can get jerky.

If some one has similar specs, please tell me how they run it?

Like, Resolution and the general graphic settings.

Thanks in advance
Dude you need to create you own Oblivion thread and post away at your hearts content. You're creating so many threads about the same game :o

* Not a personal dig, but it is getting quite annoying (for me anyway)
I have a 6800GT, and i run it at 1024x768 HDR, with most of the sliders set high, apart from grass and shadows low/off. It crawls when your in a lot of forest, but its fine most other places. Its certainly not ideal, but its about as good as your gonna get.
Hmm, mine can go jerky in towns and stuff, when theres no one around its amazing!

Heh, ill just make do ;)

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