An Elder Scrolls: Oblivion thead

Why bother buying a horse? Very small Spoiler warning:

Do the first few of the Main Quest missions, save the emporers hidden son, get him to the mountain hideout, and join the blades, and then you get given Prior somebody-or-other's horse to use, for free.
There is a dadric quest too, that as a reward gives you the skele key, which is a lockpick that wont break, and gives you bonuses to security too!
Doh I am a vampire.. with a Soul.

Yeah I'm a good vampire helping the helpless. I'm also going to set up my own office called Angel Investigations. Whoooooooo!

Seriously though I hope it dosn't take too long to cure!
Hostile17 said:
I would but I'm keeping Faith ;)

That's enough Buffy jokes - Ed

- although I agree with you: Faith>Buffy any day, but Evil Willow >*

I've just found a serious goodie at level 22 while closing another gate: an amulet with 33% reflection and +25 blade.

Meridian said:
That's enough Buffy jokes - Ed

- although I agree with you: Faith>Buffy any day, but Evil Willow >*

I've just found a serious goodie at level 22 while closing another gate: an amulet with 33% reflection and +25 blade.

Whats that amulet called ?
AndrewP said:
Amulet of swords maybe? I had a similar one that was +25 to blunt and 33% reflect called the Amulet of Axes.

I checked the CS, and I believe that amulet doesn't exist, I think he has it mixed up, its 33% reflect and +25 to blunt, I don't think one exists that gives +25 to blade. (See: )

Edit: Then again I have been wrong in the past, and I could be missing something in the CS, so it may exist, in which case damn, me wants! :p
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Yep, it's the Amulet of Swords. I also have about 16% Refect Damage from the Escutchion of Chorrol, and another 8% from a ring. I can just stand there blocking and wait for the nasties to kill themselves hitting me! Oblicion gates aren't hard, just a slog: four daedra at once are OK, and I've not taken a health potion (touch wood) since level 8.

Just wondering, as my little wood elf is a fully fledged bloodsucker, scouring the countryside - if I were to bite NPC's in a village, could I turn a whole village into vampires?
Anyone else finding that over time their horse goes AWOL?

Tends to happen to me if I fast travel a fair few times. The horse should be in the stables or just outside but then it just disappears and tells me that the horse has been returned.... :confused:

Faithful steed my a***
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