OC UK "PC Retro Zone" Section

8 Jul 2014
No doubt discussed before (apologies if missed).

Would OCUK consider introducing a retro PC topic as a main forum sub-topic?

Users (as per the retro console thread) discuss games, hardware etc.
I think a retro gaming sub forum would be a good idea... I appreciate you want to avoid having a stupid amount of sub forums but IMO retro gaming (both console and computer) would probably see much more traffic than some of the other OCUK sub-forums.
stick a number on it, say 15 years so as time goes by and newer stuff becomes retro it can be included in the thread.
If it's retro pc games then nope it can just be discussed here per usual as pc games covers that, if it's retro computers like spectrum, c64, Amiga and their games then sure, that would be cool to have.
Retro gaming is becoming more popular.

The days gone by when you could buy a game for .99p !
I bought F1 2015 for 0p last week.
Theres lots of cheap or free games on steam.

Ahhhh, good ol' cassette tapes!
Actually I'm quite happy to never touch a tape again. I used to enjoy playing on the Amiga though, especially when I had a harddrive in it.

The original Lemmings on the Amiga was a classic (not the crappy pc version).
his face cracked me up, kids these days dont even know what problems you had to deal with playing game back in the day. Having a million different boot disks for all your games, spending hours trying to get that extra 1k of memory just to get Xwing to run. Wait half an hour for racing destruction set to load on on the C64 only to have it crash as you finally started the game.
Try playing indy Jones fate of Atlantis on a Amiga. About 11 floppys it was for the game and every 10 mins your basically swapping discs. It was a nightmare, but the game was fun so I endured.
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I'd be up for that too.

Started on C64, Plus4, C128D and then Amiga. I've still got the C128D somewhere.

I also enjoy retro console gaming as it's cheap on my GameCube - though thinking of 'upgrading' it soon to get a cheap console that works properly on a modern telly.

Retro PC gaming is also a good topic - logging in to play Mechwarrior 3 on a 56k modem. The joy of listening to the pinging sounds at the start, and 'lag shooting' in the game itself.
Well I run one of the top retro gaming websites on the internet from the Amstrad, to the NES. However OCUK put a complete ban on the website ever being posted here, because... you know.. Advertising my website through retro articles.

Nope sorry, I won't support something I've been trying to work towards on this forum all those years ago :(
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