
weringo said:
Very unrealistic and stupid. Why does Terry just give them $72 million for almost no reason without giving it a second thought? I thought he was a successful businessman.

Was watchable though.
Terry only gives them $36m... they double his investment ;)

Watchable but agree with most people in here, pretty boring really. Better than 12 but not a patch on 11.
Pretty boring for the most part. Then it gets good when they are carrying out their plan at the end. Other than that, pretty poor.

But my god, the blonde assistant to Al Pacino.... I was drawn to her so much. She was unbelievably arousing for me! Yes I am aware that she is over 50, but she looked hot as hell in it. Especially when she was getting all spicy with Matt Damon!
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Cant wait to see oceans 13! although i hope these bad reviews you lot are giving are just the normal picky film analysts.
BenJ said:
Cant wait to see oceans 13! although i hope these bad reviews you lot are giving are just the normal picky film analysts.

Hm, I wish! It was alright, just not good. An average film at best, which is hard to say since I loved 11 so much and thought 12 was just a one-off disappointment, but 13 was really smug in itself, and ended up not working.

Worth watching but certainly nothing I'll remember or ever recommend, 11, however, is.
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