Octavia MK1 headlights not working after shock/impact?

29 Jul 2011
In acme's chair.
Hi all,

So today I had the joy of putting the Slowda up a grass bank to avoid some numpty who was on the wrong side of the road on a blind corner, the shock of the impact has killed all of the headlights!

Fuses look OK, I don't think it is fuse related anyway... Read on:

Dipped beam doesn't work with headlight switch
Main beam doesn't work when switching to them with the stalk (pushing it away from you)
Headlight adjuster motors aren't working
Tell-tale in the cluster doesn't illuminate
Sidelights and front foglights DO work
Main beams DO illuminate when flashing them with the stalk (pulling it towards you)

Is there a relay somewhere or something which is likely to have blown / plug which might have come out / something else? :)
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Best to have a look... :) Front of the car is far from complex so trace down the cables and see what's what.
Thinking it might be the dimmer switch thing, friend is bring me a spare one. Bulb filaments fine too.
Not even sure if serious :D

No, honestly... I went out and started punching everything ... When I got near to the steering column it made the telltale light up for a fraction of a second each time, so I though "hang on, he might be onto something here!" so I gave it an almighty wallop, voila! Light restored! :D

However there is a loose connection still, if I tap the top of the steering column (lightly!), they go out. Tap the bottom, they come back on... :rolleyes:
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No, honestly... I went out and started punching everything ... When I got near to the steering column it made the telltale light up for a fraction of a second each time, so I though "hang on, he might be onto something here!" so I gave it an almighty wallop, voila! Light restored! :D

However there is a loose connection still, if I tap the top of the steering column (lightly!), they go out. Tap the bottom, they come back on... :rolleyes:

That's not a problem, its a feature :D
It never fails. :D

Just don't tell my boss!

Now you just need to find the loose/ripped cabling. Most likely in the steering column somewhere. I'd try and find the wiring diagrams.
Thankfully I already know what it is, my dad phoned his mate who has the same car (albeit with over 400,000 miles on it!) and he said he had the same problem with his, you have to take the steering wheel off and get the stalk thing out and clean the contacts inside it. Not sure of the details but I'm sure there's a guide somewhere, or it might even be self explanatory. :)
Don't own a Skoda, so this might not be applicable, but most steering column surrounds can be taken off in two pieces, wouldn't have thought you need to take the whole wheel off...
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