Octavia MK1 headlights not working after shock/impact?

How? If the guy was on the wrong side of the road, I'm not sure how he could claim it wasn't his fault.

Unless the cars stop in exactly the position they touched and Acme immediately jumps out and starts taking photos, there's no way of knowing who was on the wrong side if there's no witnesses. Happened to a friend of mine: a guy crashed into her on her side of the road, then kept going for a couple of metres and pulled over to the side of the road. She did the same, they got out to take photos, went 50/50 as all they showed was that one or the other was on the wrong side.
The guy looked about 90 and was driving a Vauxhall Agila, going about 15 - 20MPH... :p

Wasn't completely on my side of the road, but there was nowhere near enough room to get by the side of him, so it was a corner to corner, or the grass bank.

If he was going at non 90 year old speeds this would probably be a sad thread about how I had to buy another Polo because I won't be able to insure anything with more than 60HP for the next 2 years. :eek:

Lucky I was in the Skoda!
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Unless the cars stop in exactly the position they touched and Acme immediately jumps out and starts taking photos, there's no way of knowing who was on the wrong side if there's no witnesses. Happened to a friend of mine: a guy crashed into her on her side of the road, then kept going for a couple of metres and pulled over to the side of the road. She did the same, they got out to take photos, went 50/50 as all they showed was that one or the other was on the wrong side.

Would have assumed the guy on the wrong side of the road would have braked leaving tyre marks in the middle of the road. Shouldn't be too hard to work out from there that he clearly wasn't in his lane.
Won't get brake marks at 15-20mph, and that's only if someone is willing to investigate and prove who they belong to.
You must have been going pretty quick if you couldn't slow down when the other person was only going 20 mph.

About 40 I think, maybe 45. Plenty fast enough to be in trouble if you encounter someone on the wrong side of the road going 20 when you're coming round a corner! :p
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Acme you ever thought of just sticking to public transport? It seems like you destined to spend as little time behind a wheel as possible :p

But seriously at least you managed to avoid it with little aftermath. Atleast you was driving the barge tho and not the pretty new toy.
I still drive a lot, and I drive almost exclusively B roads and small A roads these days, and I don't hang about. Things are bound to happen occasionally I suppose! :p

Yeah I'm not sure how the MX5 would have fared from being pitched up a grass bank.
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