Would have gone 50/50, he's lucky he avoided it.
How? If the guy was on the wrong side of the road, I'm not sure how he could claim it wasn't his fault.
Would have gone 50/50, he's lucky he avoided it.
How? If the guy was on the wrong side of the road, I'm not sure how he could claim it wasn't his fault.
Unless the cars stop in exactly the position they touched and Acme immediately jumps out and starts taking photos, there's no way of knowing who was on the wrong side if there's no witnesses. Happened to a friend of mine: a guy crashed into her on her side of the road, then kept going for a couple of metres and pulled over to the side of the road. She did the same, they got out to take photos, went 50/50 as all they showed was that one or the other was on the wrong side.
You must have been going pretty quick if you couldn't slow down when the other person was only going 20 mph.