OcUK Beers of the World Weekly Results - Denmark

17 Oct 2006
OK, having minor twinges of guilt about my entry, not merely because I'm in Cyprus and I had to drink weakurinesauce Carlsberg instead of nice hoppy KEO, but also because I'm wondering whether my entry is valid at all: I was under the impression that the Carlsberg we brew here is brewed by Carlsberg, or at least by a subsidiary part-owned by Carlsberg. Turns out it's brewed by a Cypriot company who just licences the Carlsberg name (and presumably recipe, I mean it tastes just as horrible in the UK). Is it still valid? Didn't mean to deceive, I normally drink KEO here so I just don't know.

I had vague thoughts of keeping mum about this but, well, the 1 point I got from it isn't enough to justify living with the guilt! :p If I'd gotten 3 points for it I'd totally rub my hands together in evil glee and chuckle with joy at deceiving you all! :D

Oh, incidentally, another question occurs to me: the brewerie that makes Carlsberg over here also makes another beer called Leon - I presume, since it's a Cypriot brewery and a Cypriot brand, that it wouldn't be a valid entry for this competition, but here's a theoretical question: if the brewerie WERE part-owned by Carlsberg, like I thought, would Leon have counted?

This has been explained quite a few times now, but I'm sure one more time won't hurt.

The Carlsberg you entered for your Denmark entry is valid regardless of where it is brewed. Carlsberg is listed as a Danish beer and once again is therefore valid. The KEO and Leon you mention would have been valid as entries for Cyprus, but this wasn't voted for.
17 Oct 2006
The rule of thumb we are using is where it's commonly thought to be from, not the parent company or who owns the brewery. Hence, if you got a Guinness brewed in Russia it wouldn't be a Russian entry but an Irish one because that's it's real home. You can take the beer out the country, but you can't take the country out the beer I guess.

In a nutshell :)
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