OcUK Beers of the World Weekly Results - 'X' Numbers

Looking likely maccapacca gets his point which results in...

...well least if I can manage to do the sums right it means we go into 'Y' - Yuletide with 3 fairies at the top of the tree...
Repta, I was close to entering that beer!

My beer review from another website:
I HATE whisky/barrel aged beer. I've never had one that I've enjoyed. The 1488 by Killibardine isn't awful, I've had a lot worse from Brewdog and others but it's not great. Not that well balanced, and quite malty which throws a fair bit of sweetness in there. Not that much of a whisky taste but lots of fruit.

No way is Lone a number.

Have you tried the Innes and Gunn Rum Aged beer? I've always found that pretty nice, not tried many others though.
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