OCUK Civilized South-Eastern Lunch MkII (Now with less rain!)

It does and it will, free and fully flowing (as much as short hair can). I believe in the sun Gods. (yeh I have no idea where I'm going with this it's past my bed time I think).
It does say rain in the morning so far, but who knows, you may be right, maybe we will get lucky :D

Watch out for deer too folks, last time Vox had one run out in front of him :eek:
But, I put that it was going to be dry in the thread title and everything!!

Watch out for deer too folks, last time Vox had one run out in front of him :eek:

"Oh look, a deer sign. Have never seen any deer in Kent"

*Slams on brakes*

"Bloody deer...."

It was two of the buggers! Decided they'd run into the middle of the road and admire the headlights charging towards them.

Damn I missed this thread! Unfortunately have plans that day otherwise would have come :(

Anyone would think you're avoiding us :p
The Beeb is saying that it should be dry for the most part, with some potential showers from 3pm or so.

The sample menu sounds fantastic, and it isn't helping my rumbling stomach at this point in the day. Steak and Guinness pie... pork belly... om nom nom :D
If the weather is anything like this morning then that's awesome. Not too cold, perfectly dry. Looking forward to it.
Eventually I will make one of these meets!

Picking up my puppy on Saturday from Stoke on Trent haha.

Enjoy it chaps.
Nice try!

You'll have to wait until I can treat you with an appearance from my SLK55 with no resonator or secondary cats ;)
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