************----------------OCUK Community Server List----------------************

Sorry smogsy. Another update, but this is relevant to all the OcUK Left 4 Dead servers:

OcUK 1 - Fragm - - Standard Private
OcUK 2 - Fragm - - Standard Private
OcUK 3 - Link to Insanity's Server - - Standard Private
OcUK 4 - Link to Insanity's Server 2 - - Standard Public/Private
OcUK 5 - Link to Insanity's Server 3 - - Standard Public
OcUK 6 - Fragm - - 16 man Private

The search key for servers 1, 2 and 3 is ocuk. Server 6 has no search key and is direct connect only. Servers can be chosen to directly connect to by typing ms_force_dedicated_server <IP:Port Number> (again avoid doing this for ocuk6, you'll screw it up). OcUK 4 & 5 are both public servers (ms force'll still work, but no search key) at the moment. OcUK 4 will be made private sometimes if OcUK1-3 are all in use. Remember to select best available dedicated server from options (instead of official, which probably won't work anymore due to imporved map mods).

The search key command is: sv_search_key ocuk which you type into console while in lobby.

Hope this helps :)

Also, you may want to remove your current list of ocuk l4d servers and start again. The old 4, 5 and 6 are nolonger running.

Game Tracker for OcUK 3, 4 & 5:

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OcUK Server Update

16 slot CSS Office server:
16 slot COD4 Standard Rotation server:

CSS server has the same admins as the L4D servers, whilst the COD4 server is currently running on 1 admin only. It will probably become a COD5 server when MW2 is released as I intend to start up a 16 man one of those for OcUK'ers when it becomes available.

EDIT: Don't update yet smogsy. I'll add the other servers at some point for you to update :D
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My Gameservers

This is to make sure the listings for the game servers that I run are all in one place (minus the left 4 dead ones). If smogsy can update the first page then that would be very helpful.

Call of Duty: World at War - 16 slot vanilla server. Standard Map Rotation. IP Address:

Team Fortess 2 - 24 slot vanilla server. 66 tickrate standard map rotation. IP Address:

Counterstrike Source: 24/7 Office server. $16000 Start/FF On. 75 tickrate. IP: 32 slots.

Counterstrike Source: Rotation between Dust2, Italy, Aztec, Assault, Office, Tides/FF On. 75 tickrate. IP: 32 slots

Counterstrike Source: Gungame Server, Gungame maps only, being added to all the time. + dust1 /FF Off. 33 tickrate. IP: 16 slots.
Sorry, some of the servers have changed again:

Server IPs:

Left 4 Dead:
OcUK 1 -
OcUK 2 -
OcUK 3 -
OcUK 4 -
OcUK 5 -
OcUK 6 - (8v8)
OcUK 7 -

Counter-Strike: Source: (map rotation-32 slot)

List will be updated again in November. :)
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Current OcUK server list is shown on the steam community page so if smogsy can update the first post in line with it it would be great. :)


The servers it shows are:

Server IPs:

Counterstrike Server:

OcUK 1 - - Map Rotation (all maps), 12 slot - Hosted by Frenchtart and Link to Insanity

Counterstrike Source Servers:

OcUK 1 - - Map Rotation, 16k cash refill, 75-tick, 32 slots - Hosted by Frenchtart & Link to Insanity

Left 4 Dead Servers:

OcUK 1 - - Coop & Versus Server - Hosted By Frenchtart & Link to Insanity (Private)
OcUK 2 - - Versus Server - Hosted by Frenchtart & Link to Insanity (Private)
OcUK 3 - - Coop, Versus & Survival Server - Hosted by Link to Insanity (Private)
OcUK 4 - - Coop, Versus & Survival Server - Hosted by Link to Insanity (Public)
OcUK 5 - - Coop & Versus Server - Hosted by Link to Insanity (Public)
OcUK 6 - - 8v8 Versus Server - Hosted by Frenchtart & Link to Insanity (Private)
OcUK 7 - - Coop, Versus & Survival Server - Hosted by Defrag (Public)

Left 4 Dead 2 Servers: (Running on Release Date)

OcUK 1 - - Hosted By Frenchtart & Link to Insanity
OcUK 2 - - Hosted By Frenchtart & Link to Insanity
OcUK 3 - - Hosted By Link to Insanity

Team Fortress 2 Server:

OcUK 1 - - 24 slot server - Hosted by Frenchtart and Link to Insanity

Killing Floor Server:

OcUK 1 - - 6 man - Hosted by Frenchtart & Link to Insanity

If you run a server that ocuk can use for any game, then let me know either through trust, msn or steam and I shall endevour to update the server list. Thanks.

Also, please note that upon the release of L4D2, many of the L4D servers will be discontinued. Please watch the OcUK steam group page for updates. :)
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I just joined the OcUK steam group, hope to have some fun with you guys, been shopping and reading here since 04 - on the old old site. I mostly play TF2 and some CSS on the side, and my username within steam is Jolly Dodger - with a green giant avatar.
Nice one I didn't know about these groups, I have just joined the main one, the L4D one and the Borderlands one.

I would also join the Killing Floor one but I still can't stay connected to that damn game for more than 20 seconds before it disconnects me :(

SteamID is DaveMasterful if anyone wants to add me :)

Edited so it wasn't a wall of text :P
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