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*** OcUK Crysis DX9 TopList ***

i've downloaded gurusan's file from his opening post and i'm going to attempt to import it. this should be fun (not). :)

Thanks so much! The webform seems to work great and it looks like you fixed the rounding issue.

Also instead of going through my original file I can just start a new Version 2 thread and everyone can resubmit through your form. Would save you a lot of trouble.

....also you used to have a bbcode tab on your site and if you put that back with the Crysis results I'd be happy to update the original post with the code periodically to save you the trouble.
I'm not sure tbh. The difference between single and crossfire setups is hard to gauge, given the low number of ATi single card setups but it seems there are bigger differences between crossfire setups than there are between crossfire and single cards.


VortexA1, 3870 crossfire, 43.825 fps
gurusan, 3850 Pro single card, 40.835

gurusan has a 500MHz greater clock on his/her CPU, but otherwise they have similar rigs (both quad, both Vista 64 bit).

Ahh but you missed the part where my 3850pro was clocked to 1ghz core and 2200mem

Also I'm thinking that VortexA1's score should be higher....not sure what is holding it back
Gurusan > Why haven't you benched you put up your results with 3850 crossfire ?


Ehh, sorry what? Crossfire?

Only thing I can think of is that for some reason the app isn't applying the settings properly. Try going in-game and changing them to global high manually...and set the res to 1280x1024 then run the bench
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