/rant ahead
My youngest (under 2..) has been sick at 3am.
My wife who think that her job is vastly more important than mine wants me to work from home tomorrow to look after him. I can't work with a 1 year old attached to me. I have a full day of teams meetings and 2 physical on site visits to do. The on site ones will be a real pitta to reorganise as there are multiple people traveling to do them.
All of which I'll have to cancel and rearrange now. And my wife... will go to her job as a nursery teacher...
Why are wife's so ridiculous at times? Unable to listen to reason?
Rant over...
(Happy to look after the child, will be a nice chill day with snuggles.. but going to cause headaches at work)
Hmmm yea similar thing here, however I ultimately won out, we agreed the largest salary wins. We could cope (just) on my salary, we'd be homeless on just hers.
That said as I can work from home if I've not got meetings etc booked in then I generally will stay home and look after child.
It is harder for her to get time off and usually have to take a day unpaid if I can't stay home.
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