OcUK - How do you like them Apples ?

18 Oct 2002

The full range of Apple MP3 players are now available for a very low price.

SteveOBHave said:
YUP :)


Not sure how good it is tho... Either way it has to be better than iTunes :) The only downer is that on both you can't actually buy the tunes from iTunes music shop...

EDIT: Read some of the customer reviews of the plugin and there have been a number of teething issues, be careful when using this.

Ive used that, its a bit of a pain to get working sometimes, but once setup it works quite well, not had to use itunes to load music on :)
I agree with Pink Floyd. There have been too many stories of damaged apple hardware. I have seen a couple and they do seem to be flimsier than the competition, which im surprised at, as i started computing on an apple and the build quality was fantastic. But, they are out selling everyone else.

Using the winamp isnt easy to start with, but once its going stay away from itunes.

btw pinkfloyd i was born and bred in chipping sodbury.
Why does everyone hate iTunes? I love it and think it's the perfect Media player. It's so easy to use and the interface is just, well so gawd damb perfect. Can people give me some reasons? I will know there will be a lot I just want to see what you think it's lacking.
-White-Knight- said:
Why does everyone hate iTunes? I love it and think it's the perfect Media player. It's so easy to use and the interface is just, well so gawd damb perfect. Can people give me some reasons? I will know there will be a lot I just want to see what you think it's lacking.

I understand that it is great for the average user, but if you have several different devices that you use for listening to your music collection then iTunes renders the entire collection useless.

Very resource hungry and tends to load up if you so much as blink. I am a DJ (at times) and buy vinyl online. I listen to MP3s from the online shops and iTunes seems to be very insistant in starting up everytime I DL one regardless of the fact that I have not associated it as my primary media player.

I fully understand why iTunes is how it is, to protect Apples credablity as a Music shop, it just doesn't gel for me :) There is absolutely nothing wrong with its usability and the interface is brilliant but just not for me :) It has started up too many times when I don't want it to for me to be comfortable with it. This is my personal opinion :)
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Blah blah I-Tunes blah blah.

On my own PC I actually bought Anapod Explorer because I love File Managers (Directory Opus) and it integrates perfectly with it so I'm at home.

Upstairs are my two teenage daughters PC's that run I-Tunes.
They are not bloatware and they don't take over anything.
They plug the IPOD in, they click on I-Tunes to load it (not the other way round) and it doesn't sync with the IPOD unless they tell it to.
They drag and drop their files straight from the hard drive onto I-Tunes which immediately puts them on the IPOD with no other messing around.
I taught them how to do this in less than five minutes and they are girls so some of you boys should be ashamed of yourselves for not knowing how to use I-Tunes.
They've never clicked that button to go to the shop either.

Its all so simple when you know how.
dmpoole said:
Blah blah I-Tunes blah blah.


dmpoole said:
On my own PC I actually bought Anapod Explorer because I love File Managers (Directory Opus) and it integrates perfectly with it so I'm at home.

As do I, I love Anapod - Opus looks a little scary tho... I don't think there is much wrong with Windows Explorer...

dmpoole said:
Upstairs are my two teenage daughters PC's that run I-Tunes.
They are not bloatware and they don't take over anything.

Er... when was the last time you checked how much resource iTunes swallows up? Have a look and see if you notice the 90MB of memory that dissappears... Not suggesting that it is bloatware, only that it takes up more than Anapods 3MB.

dmpoole said:
They plug the IPOD in, they click on I-Tunes to load it (not the other way round) and it doesn't sync with the IPOD unless they tell it to.
They drag and drop their files straight from the hard drive onto I-Tunes which immediately puts them on the IPOD with no other messing around.
I taught them how to do this in less than five minutes and they are girls so some of you boys should be ashamed of yourselves for not knowing how to use I-Tunes.
They've never clicked that button to go to the shop either.

Its all so simple when you know how.

Read: "I fully understand why iTunes is how it is, to protect Apples credablity as a Music shop, it just doesn't gel for me There is absolutely nothing wrong with its usability and the interface is brilliant but just not for me..."

I was never saying that iTunes was bad, only that it is not for me.

Craig321 said:
Thought there was no shop talk on the forum

Not sure this quantifies as shop talk? iThough we were discussing the merits of the software you can use with your MP3 Player... my bad...
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