OcUK - How do you like them Apples ?

They are still expensive, think its cheaper to buy one from the USA still and get it shipped over. There are nice gimmicks with the ipods, pod casts etc. and being able to send radio waves to your indoor hifi and listen to your music through that instead of headphones.
While you're on the subject, is there an issue with running 2 ipods from the same install of itunes/comp? The lass has a 30gig video jobby & I fancy a 2gig one for jogging but have heard rumours of conflicts with multiple pods.
Redman said:
While you're on the subject, is there an issue with running 2 ipods from the same install of itunes/comp? The lass has a 30gig video jobby & I fancy a 2gig one for jogging but have heard rumours of conflicts with multiple pods.

Nah, they should work more than happily on the same computer. iTunes just requires that an iPod is associated with only one PC, doesn't matter if there are more than one iPods on it.
id10T_error said:
Style over substance tbh!! For the same amount of money you can buy far better portable music player's that have better sound quality and signal to noise ratios.
Name a single 20GB MP3 player which looks as good as (you won't be able to get over that hurdle for starters; Creative players do not look good*), has a better battery life than, weighs less than, is smaller than and has more features out of the box than a 30GB iPod. Notice I've put a handicap on the hard drive space for this little wager; I'm confident you won't stand a chance ;)

Great job on getting the iPods in stock, OcUK, and for a better price than Apple themselves! You must have done an awful lot of haggling to get them for that price :)

* In my opinion
SteveOBHave said:
Er... when was the last time you checked how much resource iTunes swallows up? Have a look and see if you notice the 90MB of memory that dissappears... Not suggesting that it is bloatware, only that it takes up more than Anapods 3MB.

That's a slight exaggeration there, mine has never risen above 30, and stays at 18-19 most of the time.

Firefox seems to be having troubles right now for me though, the meory usage just keeps on climbing. I've seen it hit 400MB on occasions :/
who gives a crap how much memory a music player takes up? honestly, for everythign that doesnt involve my music player it gets turned off. gaming? off. movies? off. what's the big deal?

Al Vallario said:
Name a single 20GB MP3 player which looks as good as (you won't be able to get over that hurdle for starters; Creative players do not look good*), has a better battery life than, weighs less than, is smaller than and has more features out of the box than a 30GB iPod. Notice I've put a handicap on the hard drive space for this little wager; I'm confident you won't stand a chance ;)
* In my opinion

he said has more features and sounds better. he didnt mention looks - that's the whole point behind 'style over substance' isnt it?
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