OcUK Mac Geekbench Results

4833 from Macpro... 2x Xeon DualCore 2.66ghz /4gb / Leopard
3045 from MBP... C2D 2.4ghz / 2gb / Leopard
2859 from 24" iMac... C2D 2.16ghz / 1gb / Tiger
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Interesting results...

As a Mac n00b, could someone explain to me why identical spec machines are giving different scores (on windows I'd guess it'd be dependent on the AV's footprint, and the driver versions, but what about on Mac?).

MacBook Pro 2.4ghz Core2Duo - 2GB RAM - 8600gt - 160GB HDD
CocoPops - 3087 Leopard
Westyfield2 - 3223 Tiger
Sic - 3456 Unknown
wozzizname - 3211 Unknown
Darryn - 3045 Leopard

That's a difference of 411 between highest and lowest, on identical spec machines.

And more importantly, how to 'optimize' the system to raise the score?
In a feeble attempt to raise my score ive just restarted the MBP, its boosted the results to 3118...

The only possible differance I can thing of besides Mine and Cocopops are both Leopard, whereas the others are either Tiger or Unknown... is im running a highres display (1920x1200) screen which may be using slightly more system resources than the standard screen... maybe...
MacBook : Core 2 Duo 2.0Ghz, 2.5Gb 667 Ram, 80Gb Hard Drive, Leopard.


Very close to my results, you have 500mb more RAM and are running Leopard.

The results depend on what else is running at the same time. I ran it again after closing Safari yet the result went down which was odd. Bottom line is variations are expected.
2692 for my old 1st gen core Duo MBP, quite impressed it's not that much slower than current models to be honest. I guess I can put the upgrade plans on hold until intel come up with a quad core mobile processor.
2764 with transmission and safari running, macbook 2.16 with 2GB ram etc. 2812 with fresh boot and nowt running. Oh yeah, running Leopard.
Very close to my results, you have 500mb more RAM and are running Leopard.

The results depend on what else is running at the same time. I ran it again after closing Safari yet the result went down which was odd. Bottom line is variations are expected.


Everything was closed.
A few people were saying that it would be slower without running the ram in Dual Channel mode, but from the results does not look like this is a problem.
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