OcUK Needs Your Help! Who wants to have a play with some NEW Phobya Fans?

I'm up for testing phobya fans groups 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8

Want to see how well these compare to apollishes and GT's :D
Im up for testing Phobya fans - Group 8

I'm currently searching for the right fan so as many as I can get my hands on the better. Got 6 brands so far. Not that any of this matters because it's chosen at random but there you go.
"im up for testing Phobya fans - Group 5"

However, I won't be back in the U.K. until the 10th of January, so if you happen to randomly pick me and this is a problem.. please choose another member :-)
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