OcUK News 2002 Edition

Originally posted by adwhitworth

Those who have taken Seti Bran, The Big Dumpers

29) gandolf 3782
30) Fixxxer 3378

Yo Mr Fixxxer:D

You Slacker you:p

Those who have used their size 12 stomping boots

2) gandolf 430

Really:eek: Well I never knew that not bad for a year:cool:

Thanks Mr Ad superb stats sah:D
24) diogenese 4331
Erm! a apologise for being a complete slacker for first 2 years. A measly 253 woos in 2 years:eek: What was I doing!:o

Oh, I remember.. P1 233 with the graphics thingy. sorry!:D
Messrs. adwhitworth & kaiowas top notch job, must've taken yonks!
Did I really do 2553 in 2002?:eek:
Really must get that other dually built!:D

Absolutely amazing set of stats!

An incredible performance from the whole team!

I'm REALLY glad to be a member of this mighty fine team!

I was really surprised that I did 4599 WU'S!

No smilies here. There isn't a smiley good enough!
Originally posted by Mark G
Glad to hear that. Welcome back to the SETI cunching madhouse.:)

Dump: 77) Shak 1378
Stomp: 3) Shak 419

:) mmmm duallie :)

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