OcUK News 26th October 2002

17 Oct 2002

Team Status
These stats were taken between 20:50 25th October and 22:50 26th October

The Hunt Ahead

Seti Switzerland 1490869 45425
OcUK 1451964 9188

Out Crunched By -36237

Difference 38905

The Hunters behind

OcUK 1451964 9188
LittleWhiteDog 1422258 3155

Out Crunched By 6033

Difference -29706



  • Number Of Active Members= 319
  • Number Of Units Returned= 9188
  • Average WU's returned per active member = 28.80
  • Number of Members = 1474
  • Average WU's returned per member = 6.23

New Stompahs

We welcome aboard the H:Dppy Stompah

[OcUK]Pheonix 80 3978
[XKF]ApoX 1426 1
00Bob00 1332 3
bobthealien 1326 3
Borris 1474 0
gadgetboy 1471 0
gsf600y 1431 0
JaffaCAke 1418 1
KoR 1473 0
mikethegreek (#1) 179 1836
mikethegreek (#2) 1472 0
rl253 1272 5
slatey 957 41
xdeity 1425 1

Units Gained = 5869


mikethegreek -1836
OcUK Archangelus -3975

Units Lost = 5811

Today's Lucky Cruncher

69)Martin Platts (Work) 4541

Today's Beast

666)WILDMAN 168

Here follows The Full Team Stats

Those who have taken Seti Bran, The Big Dumpers

1) The Ministry of Serendipity 4580
2) raph 522
3) Scythes & Sickles 471
4) Waldo 148
5) Phil Brett 143
6) jaydeee007 121
7) Buxx 96
8) carbon8ed 85
9) Iron Crow 79
10) yadobber 73
11) magman 72
12) Rabid Dog 71
13) Gadget 65
14) wasc 51
15) Feek 49
16) [OcUK]Tweety 48
17) Nick Roe (aka Dolph) 47
18) Rojin 47
19) Walsherz 47
20) EyeDot 46
21) DuckBusk 45
23) Martin Platts (Home) 41
24) daesdaemar 40
25) Volospian 40
26) Flipper 39
27) Jim Williams (#1) 39
28) wayne 38
29) The Aber Lads 35
30) Buddha Finger 33
31) CDL OpenVMS Team 33
32) Lc 33
33) IAN 31
34) Meridian 31
35) GuardianX & phan10! 30
36) astralcars 29
37) DreederUK 29
38) Team Mad Mandex 27
40) JMFranklin 24
41) Kamarkis 24
42) Thumpsta 24
43) CliffyG 23
44) exedanni 23
45) Mark P 23
46) All-Star Space Elephants 22
47) Mark Armitage 22
48) OcUK HQ 22
49) Staffy 21
50) @gent$mith 20

Those who have used their size 12 stomping boots

1) luke284 129
2) Bashful 126
3) ice_man 84
4) Shoit (#2) 69
5) Dopey 62
6) Woody...!!! 57
7) yadobber 52
8) Sneezy 41
9) UnderDog 41
10) MooMan 38
11) Silent.B.Deadly 38
12) Desmo 33
13) Grad 32
14) Rojin 32
15) Happy 30
16) maxpower865 27
17) Straith 23
18) Useful Idiot 23
19) Spad 22
20) Chris Murray 20
21) Numnutz 20
22) tsunami_73 20
23) Sleepy 18
24) Kane 17
25) El Capitano 15
26) GTA 13
27) jezpgreat 13
28) DaemonHunter 12
29) Mr Bump 12
30) carlos 11
31) maxp 11
32) Team Mad Mandex 11
33) Luke 10
34) Tru-mp3 10
35) astralcars 9
36) Furbs 9
37) Johnathan Revell 9
38) kingabs 9
39) Walton 9
40) Zoidius 9
41) exedanni 8
42) Fosheezee 8
43) Ghengis 8
44) Matthew.M 8
45) Richardsoj 8
46) .FOF. 7
47) Mark P 7
48) Staffy 7
49) supermani 7
50) Waldo 7
A Few Stats For Those With Only A Single PC

Those who have taken Seti Bran, The Big Dumpers

1) Nick Roe (aka Dolph) 47
2) Rojin 47
3) Jim Williams (#1) 39
4) Staffy 21
5) Vanilla 18
6) Luggage 17
7) Cemetery 16
8) MaYnArD 15
9) Soupdragon 12
10) Spie 12
11) Woody...!!! 11
12) Foiled 9
13) Dutch Guy 8
14) myke 8
15) Straith 8
16) Astronut 7
17) Beta 7
18) Event Horizon 7
19) MindYerBeak 7
20) sven256 7
21) Cheesy 6
22) LizardKing 6
23) sumoquirkey 6
24) Arun Holmes 5
25) Chasser 5
26) Grouch 5
27) Koncordski 5
28) maxpower865 5
29) BeLLyLaRd 4
30) BIGBOY 4
31) KingDing (#1) 4
32) Mr B. 4
33) speedypeanut 4
34) Tank 4
35) vix 4
36) Cyro 3
37) magicpatch01 3
38) ScarFinger 3
39) theredguy 3
40) Curiousalien 2
41) D.Stratis(Brwmogazos) 2
42) Gregeff 2
43) JJ2K 2
44) MattyEllis 2
45) s^t^n 2
46) adwhitworth 1
47) Battie 1
48) Daedalus 1
49) Donk 1
50) Dragon 1

Those who have used their size 12 stomping boots

1) Woody...!!! 57
2) Rojin 32
3) maxpower865 27
4) Straith 23
5) Fosheezee 8
6) Staffy 7
7) myke 6
8) Grouch 3
9) Kan 3
10) LizardKing 3
11) s^t^n 3
12) Vanilla 3
13) Beta 2
14) BIGBOY 2
15) Cemetery 2
16) Donk 2
17) KingDing (#1) 2
18) Koncordski 2
19) Nick Roe (aka Dolph) 2
20) ShadowMan (#1) 2
21) sumoquirkey 2
22) sven256 2
23) Tank 2
24) adwhitworth 1
25) Cheesy 1
26) Curiousalien 1
27) D.Stratis(Brwmogazos) 1
28) Daedalus 1
29) Dutch Guy 1
30) Foiled 1
31) JodieG 1
32) Juggler 1
33) Luggage 1
34) MattyEllis 1
35) MaYnArD 1
36) Mr B. 1
37) ScarFinger 1
38) Spie 1
39) vix 1
Cakey And Sparkley Time

Those Who Have Recieved a Cir Tiff É Kate
Scythes & Sickles 5000
Waldo 2500
SETI@Chesterfield 2500
exedanni 1000
Andy Burrows 500
myke 250
carlos 250

Kongratchoolayshuns everyone on a mighty fine achievement.

Remember to hang it on your cell wall with pride.

For that have a

WAHAY and a w00t

and some


H'onwards and H'upwards for the good ship SS H:Dppy Stompah.
As a special treat to all those Sir-Tif-é-Kat winners, please let me present you with this lovely cake which was hand prepared earlier today in the OcUK dunjunns.


Yup. You guessed it. It is of course banana cake ;)

Cut yourself a slice and give it a taste :D

Another fine edition adwhitworth :)

Don't give up on Zwitzerland team, let climb the mountain, they can't dump 46000 WU's everyday ;)

Oh and keep the banana cake man, disgusting!! :p
Re: Re: OcUK News 26th October 2002

Originally posted by luke284
where you get that from??? ive got 11 ive only started yesterday

That means that you Stomped 129 people, sah.

ohh i see:D in about 6 weeks i will dump 200WU:cool: but wont see anything until then other than the ones i do overnight:cool:
Superb stats as always mr.ad, thanks muchly. :)
It keeps scaring me every time I see the gradient of LWD on the future totals graph! :D

There was some discussion about the graphs before but is there any way we can use the Java graph generator on the statsman site to produce a graph of the team above and below us?
Or maybe generate a more accurate graph?
Originally posted by TustinoAspria
Why'd Archangelus leave? :mad:

He's an employee isn't he?

Did you notice the joiner..

[OcUK]Pheonix 80 3978

I reckon it's the same dood with a new name. Born from the ashes, don'cha'know?

Thanks for the news ad, seems .ch has delayed the inevitable by a couple of days, and our chasers have fallen behind by the same amount :)

It's called the the calm before the STOMP ;)
Originally posted by adwhitworth
[color=skyblue] 10) yadobber 73 [/color]
[B][Color=red][SIZE=4][u]Those who have used their size 12 stomping boots[/u][/B][/Color][/SIZE]

[color=orange] 7) yadobber 52 [/color]

Heh heh! Was off sick yesterday but just had to go into the office for a dump today as I hadn't set the caches high enough on some of my colleagues machines:D
Re: Re: Re: OcUK News 26th October 2002

Originally posted by TustinoAspria
Do you not have a toilet at home?? :confused:
My home is only capable of disposing of a small but not insignificant and usually perfectly formed bunch of currants, in my office I have the senna plant beside my desk:p
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