OcUK News 27th November 2002

17 Oct 2002

Team Status
These stats were taken between 20:00 26th November and 20:00 27th November

The Hunt Ahead

Team EDGE 2107149 3170
OcUK 1865747 19896

Out Crunched By 16726

Difference 241402

The Hunters behind

OcUK 1865747 19896
Microsoft 1809779 1195

Out Crunched By 18701

Difference -55968



  • Number Of Active Members= 333
  • Number Of Units Returned= 19896
  • Average WU's returned per active member = 59.75
  • Number of Members = 1525
  • Average WU's returned per member = 15.05

New Stompahs

We welcome aboard the H:Dppy Stompah

DaemonHunter - Retired 654 219
GamesNight Crew 53 6683
sparky 495 427

Units Gained = 7329


DaemonHunter -219

Units Lost = 219

Today's Lucky Cruncher

69)Stuart Booth 5508

Today's Beast

666)hummaia9 212

Here follows The Full Team Stats

Those who have taken Seti Bran, The Big Dumpers

1) The Ministry of Serendipity 7444
2) Scythes & Sickles 576
3) raph 434
4) ProSpec 306
5) carbon8ed 214
6) Waldo 182
7) Hornytoe 111
8) Buxx 110
9) Phil Brett 97
10) Iron Crow 93
11) Biffa 89
12) Feek 73
13) NaughtyNeutrino 70
14) Sneezy 63
15) Rojin 61
16) Jim Williams (#1) 59
17) magman 59
18) Dopey 58
19) Himem.Sys 55
20) Volospian 55
21) Bennett 51
22) mk1_salami 51
23) Faz 50
24) DuckBusk 49
25) wayne 49
26) despatch-uk 44
27) Gadget 44
28) EyeDot 41
29) wasc 41
30) Buddha Finger 37
31) Kamarkis 37
32) Mark Armitage 37
33) daesdaemar 35
34) .FOF. 33
35) GuardianX & phan10! 33
36) SKILL 32
37) Brian Willmott 30
38) kolala 30
39) RiotStar 30
40) Meridian 29
41) satman 29
42) RTS 28
43) galifrey 27
44) M0BOX 26
45) Lc 24
46) CliffyG 22
47) Kodiak 22
48) SETI@Chesterfield 22
49) sparks 19
50) @gent$mith 18

Those who have used their size 12 stomping boots

1) Jozn (#1) 159
2) Jozn (#2) 85
3) mk1_salami 55
4) Deathwish2000 44
5) Pickie 43
6) MiniTazSRV 33
7) trixter_canned 30
8) MiniTaz 26
9) Rojin 25
10) Stiff Shifter 23
11) Morph 21
12) OC3 21
13) Faz 19
14) ALD 14
15) SKILL 13
16) Sneezy 13
17) Bennett 12
18) Doc 12
19) .FOF. 9
20) jon (#1) 9
21) Legolas 9
22) rl253 9
23) ShadowMan (#1) 9
24) Dopey 8
25) Dragon 8
26) Five_star 8
27) paul (#3) 8
28) dormouse1976 7
29) gjrc 7
30) Hamish 7
31) Hissey 7
32) kingabs 7
33) Paul Campbell 7
34) Happy 6
35) (#10) 5
36) Bashful 5
37) kolala 5
38) Mr Jabba 5
39) Numnutz 5
40) roady 5
41) sparks 5
42) Carpet3 4
43) Elickser 4
44) Grrrrr 4
46) Ollie (#1) 4
47) Sleepy 4
48) Stiff_Cookie (#1) 4
49) tobyuk 4
50) Desmo 3
A Few Stats For Those With Only A Single PC

Those who have taken Seti Bran, The Big Dumpers

1) Rojin 61
2) Jim Williams (#1) 59
3) Bennett 51
4) Faz 50
5) Dragon 16
6) Dutch Guy 15
7) ALD 14
8) Nick Roe (aka Dolph) 14
9) Astronut 13
10) gjrc 11
11) Lowe(UK) 11
12) myke 10
13) Arun Holmes 9
14) nex 9
15) MaYnArD 8
16) BeLLyLaRd 7
17) Donk 7
18) MindYerBeak 7
19) rl253 7
20) Scuzi 7
21) werewolf 7
22) Big Kev 6
23) Bryan & Diane 6
24) Cemetery 6
25) Cheesy 6
26) IronFire 6
27) Vanilla 6
28) Chasser 5
29) Fourstar 5
30) Leighr 5
31) Nismo 5
32) Piggymon 5
33) Woody...!!! 5
34) BIGBOY 4
35) Event Horizon 4
36) Kan 4
37) Rancidelephant 4
38) Spie 4
39) vix 4
40) Greg 3
41) JJ2K 3
42) punky_munky 3
43) Ricko (#1) 3
44) speedypeanut 3
45) theredguy 3
46) adwhitworth 2
47) Battie 2
48) Beta 2
49) Foiled 2
50) Grrrrr 2

Those who have used their size 12 stomping boots

1) Rojin 25
2) Faz 19
3) ALD 14
4) Bennett 12
5) rl253 9
6) Dragon 8
7) gjrc 7
8) Grrrrr 4
9) myke 3
10) Chasser 2
11) Kan 2
12) Leighr 2
13) nex 2
14) tom_nieto 2
15) Woody...!!! 2
16) Nismo 1
17) Piggymon 1
Cakey And Sparkley Time

Those Who Have Recieved a Cir Tiff É Kate

The Ministry of Serendipity 300000 - Not Official but another 100000 milestone passed...
ProSpec 10000
Sneezy 1000
The Spa Massive 500
Hissey 250
OC3 100
Grumpy (#2) 100

Kongratchoolayshuns everyone on a Mighty Fine™ H'Achievement.

Remember to hang it on your cell wall with pride.

For that have a

WAHAY and a w00t

and some


H'onwards and H'upwards for the good ship SS H:Dppy Stompah.
As a special treat to all those Sir-Tif-é-Kat winners, please let me present you with this lovely cake which was hand prepared earlier today in the OcUK dunjunns.


Yup. You guessed it. It is of course banana cake ;)

Cut yourself a slice and give it a taste :D

2) Scythes & Sickles 576

w00t we didnt get in the news yesterday, the dump came after it was made, so thats 2 days production, most we have done in one news (i think) :D

/edit o and a stomp on OCUK HQ !!!!!!!!
hi all im a little confused by the full team stats my user name pickie is in the size 12 list but has the number 43 next to it ?? what does this mean, at writing this post i have done a total of 23 WUs so far :) so why does it say 43 next to my user name ???
Originally posted by pickie
hi all im a little confused by the full team stats my user name pickie is in the size 12 list but has the number 43 next to it ?? what does this mean, at writing this post i have done a total of 23 WUs so far :) so why does it say 43 next to my user name ???

Means your the 43'rd biggest dumper in that group.
Originally posted by adwhitworth
It is:) ;)

Doh I thought he was talking about the number before his name, dunno why i thunked he had 43) in front of his name..

That'll teach me not to get drunk before posting :D
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