OcUK News 9th December 2002 - It's Mistake Free

17 Oct 2002

Team Status
These stats were taken between 22:30 8th December and 21:00 9th December

The Hunt Ahead

Team EDGE 2149033 3472
OcUK 2030445 15639

Out Crunched By 12167

Difference 118588

The Hunters behind

OcUK 2030445 15639
Microsoft 1826331 1423

Out Crunched By 14216

Difference -204114



  • Number Of Active Members= 347
  • Number Of Units Returned= 15639
  • Average WU's returned per active member = 45.07
  • Number of Members = 1541
  • Average WU's returned per member = 10.15

New Stompahs

We welcome aboard the H:Dppy Stompah

(#25) 1432 2
AndiThompson 658 229
handsy 1299 8
qasdfdsaq 1541 0
Tricky 676 215

Units Gained = 454


Tricky (#1) -2470
Tricky (#2) -215
Whooo -223

Units Lost = 2908

Today's Lucky Cruncher

69)Aydon 5638

Today's Beast

666)Damocles 222

Here follows The Full Team Stats

Those who have taken Seti Bran, The Big Dumpers

1) The Ministry of Serendipity 8124
2) (#1) 1398
3) (#2) 511
4) thewaiting18 456
5) Scythes & Sickles 425
6) raph 306
7) Iron Crow 267
8) Walsherz 255
9) NaughtyNeutrino 242
10) Biffa 229
11) Martin Platts (Home) 228
12) Waldo 189
13) (#5) 187
14) keithdrayton 149
15) jaydeee007 148
16) Feek 143
17) wayne 140
18) (#4) 134
19) SETI@Chesterfield 130
20) Sneezy 130
21) Warspite 114
22) The Aber Lads 108
23) Phil Brett 104
24) Buxx 103
25) MajikNWA 85
26) Event Horizon 83
27) Gadget 83
29) Dopey 77
30) (#6) 75
31) Robin 73
32) carbon8ed 72
33) archangelus 66
34) DuckBusk 62
35) Lion-O 61
36) The Macc Lads (Gibbo, Mark, Brads & Marshy) 57
37) (#8) 55
38) DustyMiller 55
39) Snarf 54
40) kaiowas 53
41) GamesNight Crew 49
42) EyeDot 42
43) Uber Bazz 42
44) diogenese 41
45) Batman 40
46) wasc 40
47) Scream 38
48) [OcUK]Tweety 37
49) RiotStar 37
50) Augmented 34

Those who have used their size 12 stomping boots

1) (#12) 154
2) (#5) 154
3) (#1) 150
4) (#2) 147
5) (#8) 121
6) Tumbler^ 86
7) (#6) 83
8) (#11) 80
9) (#13) 73
10) DiscoStu 57
11) Lion-O 54
12) (#4) 52
13) (#7) 49
14) (#21) 48
15) Robin 48
16) Scooby 45
17) Snarf 45
18) Ren 40
19) (#16) 37
20) (#24) 36
21) Stimpy 31
22) Batman 29
23) ShadowMan (#1) 26
24) MajikNWA 24
25) (#22) 21
26) Tom 21
27) Balddog 20
28) Chrisp 17
29) Woody...!!! 16
30) (#20) 15
31) Bashful 15
32) Grumpy (#2) 15
33) MiniTazSRV 15
34) ToXik-yogHurt 15
35) (#14) 14
36) (#23) 14
37) MiniTaz 14
38) Munt 14
39) Howser 13
40) Stiff_Cookie (#1) 13
41) Happy 12
42) keithdrayton 12
43) punky_munky 12
44) paul (#2) 11
45) Scream 11
46) Sneezy 11
47) savage_keyboarder 10
48) thewaiting18 10
49) trixter_canned 10
50) ade_the_shades 9
A Few Stats For Those With Only A Single PC

Those who have taken Seti Bran, The Big Dumpers

1) Event Horizon 83
2) DustyMiller 55
3) Scream 38
4) Jim Williams (#1) 30
5) TrUz 22
6) Nick Roe (aka Dolph) 19
7) Woody...!!! 19
8) gjrc 16
9) Dragon 14
10) Astronut 13
11) BIGBOY 13
12) reeferjon 10
13) BeLLyLaRd 8
14) Dutch Guy 8
15) Chasser 7
16) Ice Man 7
17) Lowe(UK) 7
18) MaYnArD 7
19) Nismo 7
20) Big Kev 6
21) Donk 6
22) MindYerBeak 6
23) myke 6
24) The_blue 6
25) werewolf 6
26) Wol 6
27) Arun Holmes 5
28) Cheesy 5
29) punky_munky 5
30) Vanilla 5
31) Bryan & Diane 4
32) Greg 4
33) Piggymon 4
34) Scuzi 4
35) speedypeanut 4
36) vix 4
38) MattyEllis 3
39) rl253 3
40) Soupdragon 3
41) theredguy 3
42) Battie 2
43) Cyro 2
44) Dog 2
45) magicpatch01 2
46) r0b 2
47) ALD 1
48) Beta 1
49) Cemetery 1
50) Fosheezee 1

Those who have used their size 12 stomping boots

1) Woody...!!! 16
2) punky_munky 12
3) Scream 11
5) Event Horizon 7
6) Fosheezee 7
7) reeferjon 7
8) Ice Man 5
9) TrUz 5
10) gjrc 4
11) BIGBOY 3
12) Dragon 3
13) DustyMiller 3
14) Nismo 3
15) Donk 2
16) myke 2
17) Chasser 1
18) Dog 1
19) Greg 1
20) MindYerBeak 1
21) Piggymon 1
22) Scuzi 1
23) The_blue 1
24) theredguy 1
25) vix 1
Cakey And Sparkley Time

Those Who Have Recieved a Cir Tiff É Kate

The Macc Lads (Gibbo, Mark, Brads & Marshy) 25000
(#2) 1000
(#4) 500
Happy 500
(#5) 250
Lion-O 250
Batman 250
Balddog 250
Sleepy 250
(#8) 100

Kongratchoolayshuns everyone on a Mighty Fine™ H'Achievement.

Remember to hang it on your cell wall with pride.

For that have a

WAHAY and a w00t

and some


H'onwards and H'upwards for the good ship SS H:Dppy Stompah.
As a special treat to all those Sir-Tif-é-Kat winners, please let me present you with this lovely cake which was hand prepared earlier today in the OcUK dunjunns.


Yup. You guessed it. It is of course banana cake ;)

Cut yourself a slice and give it a taste :D

You call that mistake free?

You could have at leat tidied up the mess left by the man with no name who joined and caused havoc for all the other people with no name ;) :p
I made no 14 :D on my way to helping TW18 win our league match, havent been that high in a long long time but then it was cached for some time so dont expect to be there again in a long time
Great news as always
Originally posted by Nigejn
who is #1, #2 etc

SETITeam (the prog used to do the stats for the news) automatically adds (#1) etc to the names of users with the same name to allow you to differentiate between them - however it numbers them from highest to lowest placed within the team so it's quite possible to confuse the system.

Having no name appears to be quite popular with some people (As of yesterday we had 25 members who wish to remain anonymous) As the latest joiner has more WUs then the previous highest nameless wonder then all of the others got their names changed by default (ie new guy is now (#1) the person who was (#1) is now (#2) etc) which makes it look like they've all dumped lots of WUs and stomped lots of people when in reality they've probably not done anything for ages.

If they got their act together for SETI 2 then the stats would be based on a unique key for each user to prevent all this kind of confusion but I suspect that that would be asking for too much of berkeley.
Originally posted by kaiowas
If they got their act together for SETI 2 then the stats would be based on a unique key for each user to prevent all this kind of confusion but I suspect that that would be asking for too much of berkeley.

I'll not hold my breath;)

Nice Stats though Mr whitworth, Look like we should have Edge before christmas:)
Originally posted by PurDunamis
Look like we should have Edge before christmas:)

And when you look at the stats we should have IBM for christmas if we can manage to squeeze out a few more wu's a day, if not then it'll just have to be on boxing day
Originally posted by JimG
I dumped 30 yesterday, where am i? :confused:
If you are only crunching on a single computer, you need to be on the 'single crunchers' list (just let ADW know), otherwise, 30 WUs often isn't enough to make the news these days.:(
Originally posted by kaiowas
SETITeam (the prog used to do the stats for the news) automatically adds (#1) etc to the names of users with the same name to allow you to differentiate between them - however it numbers them from highest to lowest placed within the team so it's quite possible to confuse the system.

Having no name appears to be quite popular with some people (As of yesterday we had 25 members who wish to remain anonymous) As the latest joiner has more WUs then the previous highest nameless wonder then all of the others got their names changed by default (ie new guy is now (#1) the person who was (#1) is now (#2) etc) which makes it look like they've all dumped lots of WUs and stomped lots of people when in reality they've probably not done anything for ages.

If they got their act together for SETI 2 then the stats would be based on a unique key for each user to prevent all this kind of confusion but I suspect that that would be asking for too much of berkeley.

Ok thanks for explaining, so the systems confused then :rolleyes:
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