OcUK News Christmas Eve 2002 Edtion

17 Oct 2002

Team Status
These stats were taken between 21:50 23rd December and 21:45 24th December

The Hunt Ahead

The Planetary Society 2424809 2864
OcUK 2247465 11673

Out Crunched By 8809

Difference 177344

The Hunters behind

OcUK 2247465 11673
IBM 2237599 4495

Out Crunched By 7178

Difference -9866



  • Number Of Active Members= 294
  • Number Of Units Returned= 11673
  • Average WU's returned per active member = 39.70
  • Number of Members = 1550
  • Average WU's returned per member = 7.53

New Stompahs

We welcome aboard the H:Dppy Stompah

BigDom 1499 1

Units Gained = 1


None Today

Units Lost = 0

Today's Lucky Cruncher

69)sirgaz(retired) 6000

Today's Beast

666)Matt (#1) 238

Here follows The Full Team Stats

Those who have taken Seti Bran, The Big Dumpers

1) The Ministry of Serendipity 7110
2) Warspite 231
3) Scythes & Sickles 199
4) Sneezy 193
5) Snarf 155
6) Robin 148
7) Buxx 143
8) Lion-O 130
9) ProSpec 109
10) Batman 105
11) Phil Brett 104
12) zip & dyna's bud tokin' stompers 87
13) Dopey 81
14) Hornytoe 81
15) sirgaz2 79
16) carbon8ed 75
17) jabby 72
18) DuckBusk 57
19) kolala 52
21) Gavstar 48
22) robdav 46
23) Ren 45
24) Stimpy 42
25) despatch-uk 39
26) EyeDot 39
27) Flipper 36
28) Happy 35
29) M0BOX 35
30) Zenistar 35
31) GamesNight Crew 34
32) Kamarkis 34
33) Paul Burrell 33
34) Wol 33
35) diogenese 32
36) duggyruss 32
37) HEADRAT 31
38) Meridian 31
39) daesdaemar 30
40) TimB 30
41) DustyMiller 28
42) Mark Armitage 27
43) Spad 27
44) satman 26
45) sparks 26
46) TrickyT 26
47) Buddha Finger 25
48) Begbie 24
49) Himem.Sys 24
50) Brian Willmott 23

Those who have used their size 12 stomping boots

1) TimB 115
2) Vat 93
3) Beaky's Double Standards 91
4) (#26) 49
5) Ren 44
6) Stimpy 41
7) Scooby 29
8) Spad 27
9) Batman 18
10) sirgaz2 18
11) Think Harder... 18
12) Matthew Benstead 16
13) ItsHim 14
14) Robin 13
15) ALD 12
16) brendon_wilson@hp 12
17) Brunel 12
18) Chimi 12
19) Doc 12
20) masterpumpkin 12
21) Gavstar 10
22) Lion-O 10
23) Snarf 10
24) Hissey 9
25) mortbase 9
26) ScotlandsNo1 9
27) Chrisp 8
28) DiscoStu 8
29) Grumpy (#2) 8
30) luke284 8
31) MiniTaz 8
32) Murf 8
33) Sogo 8
34) Happy 7
35) Kevin Ede 7
36) Shoit (#1) 7
37) coma 6
38) eric 6
39) megakid 6
40) MiniTazSRV 6
41) Mulgy 6
42) Sleepy 6
43) sparks 6
44) Vertigo_Effect 6
45) Wonga 6
46) xdeity (#1) 6
47) duggyruss 5
48) Grinning death 5
50) Mr Jabba 5
A Few Stats For Those With Only A Single PC

Those who have taken Seti Bran, The Big Dumpers

1) Wol 33
2) DustyMiller 28
3) Spad 27
4) ALD 20
5) MaYnArD 17
6) Jimmy_Kick_Ass 12
7) Donk 11
8) Jim Williams (#1) 11
9) Dutch Guy 10
10) Nismo 10
11) Arun Holmes 8
12) BeLLyLaRd 8
13) luke284 8
14) myke 8
15) reeferjon 8
16) Cheesy 7
17) gjrc 7
18) manicmarkjcj 7
19) MindYerBeak 7
20) Bryan & Diane 6
21) Mr Jabba 6
22) Scuzi 6
23) Spie 6
24) theredguy 6
25) Greg 5
26) werewolf 5
27) Lowe(UK) 4
28) magicpatch01 4
29) speedypeanut 4
30) vix 4
31) Woody...!!! 4
32) Dog 3
33) The_blue 3
34) Zebedee 3
35) zetti 3
36) Matthew Benstead 2
37) rl253 2
38) Shoit (#1) 2
39) Wilderbeast (#1) 2
40) [OCUK]JohnRoss 1
41) Battie 1
42) Cyro 1
43) Foiled 1
44) Matthew.M 1
45) MattyEllis 1
46) tom_nieto 1

Those who have used their size 12 stomping boots

1) Spad 27
2) Matthew Benstead 16
3) ALD 12
4) luke284 8
5) Shoit (#1) 7
6) Mr Jabba 5
7) magicpatch01 3
8) manicmarkjcj 3
9) Nismo 3
10) reeferjon 3
11) zetti 3
12) Dog 2
13) gjrc 2
14) theredguy 2
15) Woody...!!! 2
16) [OCUK]JohnRoss 1
17) Arun Holmes 1
18) BeLLyLaRd 1
19) Donk 1
20) Dutch Guy 1
21) myke 1
22) Scuzi 1
23) speedypeanut 1
24) vix 1
Cakey And Sparkley Time

Those Who Have Recieved a Cir Tiff É Kate

Hissey 500
Nigeljn 500

Kongratchoolayshuns everyone on a Mighty Fine™ H'Achievement.

Remember to hang it on your cell wall with pride.

For that have a

WAHAY and a w00t

and some


H'onwards and H'upwards for the good ship SS H:Dppy Stompah.
As a special treat to all those Sir-Tif-é-Kat winners, please let me present you with this lovely cake which was hand prepared earlier today in the OcUK dunjunns.


Yup. You guessed it. It is of course banana cake ;)

Cut yourself a slice and give it a taste :D

Tsk Tsk, You couldn't even be bothered to do anythin extra for christmas feeky u slacker...come join me upstairs in the slacker suite where u will be pampered by my slaves...

/looks at Doobdonk:D :p ;)
Just missed out on a mention in the news .....damn :(

Thanks for the news as always Mr Whitworth and a Merry Chrimbo to ya :)
Originally posted by adwhitworth
Tsk Tsk, You couldn't even be bothered to do anythin extra for christmas feeky u slacker...come join me upstairs in the slacker suite where u will be pampered by my slaves...

/looks at Doobdonk:D :p ;)

Don't you take that tone of voice with me, Mr. spamwhitworth, sah :) . You're lucky that I even noticed it's Christmas and have bought some new batteries for Spanky.

Now get back in your cell and get crunching - You've had a WU count of 111 for about four days, what do you think this is, a cricket match? You're not Umpire Shepard you know ;)

Woohoo..triple mention :)
69th place, 15th place for dumpage and 10th place for stompage...what a Christmas :)

And another great News Mr Whitworth sir :D

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