OcUK "Official" ETQW Beta Key Waiting List

Just been playing it for around 4 hours, its actually seems really good. spamming rockets from afar gets on yer t1t a bit but its pretty cool. Runs super smooth maxed out at my highest native res, only thing i noticed is it'll freeze for like a second every now & then. I don't think its got anything to do with the GFX card, i think others have the same prob too.

Upto now its ok though. Very BF2ish but thats not a bad thing, i mean how do you make a FPS original these days when just about every FPS layout imaginable has been done already?
Jaffa_Cake said:
Just got another key! (ty hitmanuk)

Need confirmation from DJ XS (emailed) and wyrdo (added to msn) ASAP please guys.

Will add you when I get home from work this afternoon.
Jaffa_Cake said:
Ok, your meant to send it to me but that is fine. :)

Ben if you could confirm all is well I will remove u from the list.


but it looks like it worked out... :)
phatboy said:
any chance of getting added to the list still, or am i a bit late....actually have time to play it now lol


Sorry for slow reply - I'm on holiday this week on 32kb internet (woop)

I think it may be a tad too late - I havn't got sent a key in... weeks. Looks like the end of the line however if I do get any more then I will send them out to those already on the list.
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