OcUK Photo Comp - Season Eight : Round Two - "Lomo" RESULTS


I think you've done a good job on the processing here - I like the contrast and saturation.

This is a good take on the Lomo theme. The colour saturation and exposure add to the sense of curiosity that the composition and the arch provokes.

Fits the theme well, with good processing to bring it to life.

I like the photograph as a lomo. The colours and exposure suit the style well. What I dislike about this is the border - it doesn't add anything from me and removes part of the impact.

Whilst this is a technically good image, which has a reasonable impact, I can't really see the relation to the theme. Nicely composed, exposed, good colours and sharpness all go a long way in favour if it being a great image, but not really a Lomo one.

It is not a classic depiction of lomo so struggles on theme but it is a well taken and processed shot that would be happy as a landscape entry.

A nice spontaneous and random shot. It captures the moment nicely.

The first fisheye in the entries, the composition and the colouring are spot on for this sort of photography. There are other nice touches in the chromatic aberration at the edges of the lens. There's just something, which doesn't make it particularly impactful.

The fisheye and exposure makes an excellent image but it seems a fairly un-exciting subject and this isn’t really improved by the quirks of a fisheye lens.

A nice snapshot but the only real lomo processing I can see is a pretty heavy vignette. Lomography doesn't really just mean vignette the shot.

An interesting photo, but another one that doesn't really fit the theme. It does just seem that a nice snow picture has just had some vignetting applied. Not an unpleasant image, but not one that really says 'Lomo'.

It would seem to be just a snap shot attempting to me made Lomo with some heavy vignetting; it is not a bad image but its just lacking that spark!

I like this shot. It's not overly processed and fits the theme nicely. The wide aperture and miss-focus definitely put across the spontaneity.

A photo that's certainly recognisably Lomo, with the soft focus and the ad-hoc composition. However, it loses impact possibly because the composition is a bit too random. Whilst good Lomo pictures have unusual composition, not all photos with unusual compositions make good Lomo pictures.

A nice capture that is well taken but does the jaunty angle really add to this? It does not really make it lomo and does not improve the shot any.

Great colours and effect. I do think film has the edge in this sort of photography - very eye-catching. I think where this shot stands away from the rest is in the interaction you've captured - it's one of the things I've always associated that with lomography, rightly or wrongly.

Lots of impact here, which is mostly down to the good exposure and colouring effects used.

A truly imaginative shot that hits the theme spot on, film capture really suits the lomo technique. The subject is amusing and quirky a very exciting art photo!

This isn't aimed at you exclusively, but it applies here too ... the EXIF shows pretty heavy editing and recovery of the RAW. Now I'm not saying you haven't achieved a good result, and it's no different from what can be achieved with film, but it perhaps goes against the essence of lomography slightly. Regardless, in this case, I like the shot.

There's lots of good elements here, the composition and colouring add together to make a nice image.

Beautiful colours and the silhouettes and dark foreground emphasize this very much like it.

A fun image. It's clearly a spur of the moment shot and it benefits from it.

This is a really good picture. A good example where the unusual composition really adds interest to the image, along with the slightly crazy white point.

Not the usual idea of what Lomo is bit it does fit the them in its capture the moment style and vibrant over exaggerated colours.

Nice image. The slightly off-kilter colours you've got in the sky and carrying onto the snow are effective.

There are some subtle things here that really pull the image on theme. The noise / grain in the background, the blurred falling snow and the colouring make this a good effort.

My only disappointment is that the person in the shot distracts from the harsh winter scene and it would have recomposed it without.

Obviously it's a photo from an action sampler and as such is 'authentic'. However, lomography (imo) came out of an artistic bent on photography and I'm finding it hard to assess the impact of the shot. In the end, it isn't really a shot of anything.

An interesting sequence of pictures. Individually, they all capture the Lomo theme really well. I'm not sure if this would have worked better as a single image though.

When I think of lomo this is what comes to mind! And it should score well on theme. Being from an advertised lomo camera it should but I still like it!

A good lomo shot. Captures the moment and the movement nicely.

This has a very shot-from-the-hip feel to it, which is a good start. However, it's not really daring enough. The composition is still fairly sensible, as is the lighting and exposure. As a result it ends up being a bit flat.

It appears to be a shaky hand exposure, which may have been the effect, you went for but its not got any punch or impact so appears lifeless.

Nice photo. It's clearly something you just came across and it makes a good lomo shot. The colour processing is good.

I really like this image. It's a great example of how breaking some traditional rules can bring an interesting angle to a fairly standard abstract.

A very simple shot, with the detail of the metal work really creating an impact.

It works well as a lomo image. With some film grain you could even pass that off as having come from a lomo camera, so I think the processing is good.

Some good principles applied to this image. The impact would probably benefit from it being a bit more daring – things like the white point are still fairly conservative.

The vignetting appears all most stuck on! Like and after thought but other that this it works well.

Whilst it's got the spontaneity, it lacks something that would properly make it a lomo image for me. Again I think it's an example of using purely a vignette to make a lomo.

This seems to be another example of an image where one or two 'Lomo-like' properties have been applied, but it's not been particularly committed to. The angle and exposure are quite lomo-like, but the white balance is still fairly normal and the vignette fairly unsubtle.

This really does nothing for me with little connection to the theme and no technicality.

Another nice example of the spontaneity and overall effect that makes lomo image stand out for me. Whilst you don't have to go out of the way to mis-focus, it adds something in this case.

A nice picture, but it lacks impact. There are too many factors here that are just too conventional – the exposure, composition etc.

A nice picture for the family album but not lomography or anything really artistic.

I like the subject and the processing. I think the image works well and captures the scene effectively.

This image has a lot of impact, mainly because the subject matter is quite interesting. This, along with the colouring produces an image that feels very much in line with the theme.

An enjoyable scene that fits the theme and is very captured good work!

Fun image. It's another example of a good lomo capture that achieves it without excessive processing or thought.

An unusual abstract, this is another nice image. However, it does seem to be quite a long way from the theme, where I would expect more brash colours, aberration, and unusual composition.

An interesting shot and composition with the focal point drawing you in but the exposure and subject don’t really say lomo with very flat dull tones.

Mr Jones
Great interaction between the subjects. The image works very well for me both in terms of theme and impact.

This has a great old-style feel to it, which is credit to the skill in processing. I think it's wavering off theme slightly, but is still a very good shot.

A lovely picture slightly week on theme. The processing is very well done and this is a classic candid shot.

Quite an effective image and an interesting idea. For me, I don't think it's nails the theme, though.

This has a lot of good lomo like features to it, which fits it well with the theme. The fairly neutral colouring lessens the impact though.

A portrait, you were a month early! Well shot but I don’t see what the swirl affect is doing for it.

Nice shot - good colours and contrast for a lomo theme. The composition works for me, too.

A very simple but effective shot. It captures the theme feeling quite well, as the viewer you can feel as though this was just a casual shot, but at the same time it's interesting to look at.

Its like I am sat on the beach, nicely fitting of the theme and very well taken.

Doesn't say 'lomo' to me at all, really. Whilst it's not a bad photo, I can't mark the processing, composition and overall the impact very highly.

Whilst technically, this is a very good shot, it does feel like it has had a lot of time spent on it, which is at odds with the theme. An attractive picture, just not within the theme.

This does not really fit the theme even though it is technically and excellent shot.

Whilst it's an alright shot, it feels a bit too prepared and thought-out to really be a good example of a lomo for me.

This is quite a difficult photo to judge, as it's more subtle than some. Only after a while of looking do you appreciate the exposure and the detail in the composition. But all the while, it still feels like a camera was just picked up and a shot was taken, which is perfect for the theme.

A fairly un impressive shot, that even though it is well captured doesn’t have any real strong interest.

Not really sure tilt-shift and lomography necessarily fit together that well. It's not really processed as a lomo and doesn't have a subject or theme that I can really say fits the theme.

Tilt-shift isn't quite what springs to mind when the theme topic is brought up, but it's an interesting effect that could well be shot by a lomo camera. It's applied rather well here and in combination with the colours adjustment, has a strong impact.

The tilt shift technique used well and would make an effective Christmas card but is weak on theme.

It does fit the theme and is fairly effective, but I somehow get the feeling the image is trying a bit hard to fit the lomo stereotype.

The special thing about this image is how it almost perfectly captures what could well be a quickly captured, but interesting 'tourist' shot. The softness, vignetting and colours all simultaneously make this an image that you could imagine exists within a tourist's album, but is also interesting to look at.

A very gloomy, impacting and atmospheric shot that have the essence of a film capture working very well.

I don't really see the relation to the theme here. It's not processed as a lomo and doesn't have the spontaneous aspect or subject to score that highly in my books.

There's some odd colours going on here, and I'm not sure if it's on purpose. Technically, it's a reasonable picture, but it doesn't particularly resonate with the theme for me.

I cannot see the connection to the theme and the overall technique of the shot is a little weak.

Another one where the processing style doesn't really fit the theme well for me. As a shot without the blurring, I don't think it's bad, but then I like Robin Hood's Bay :).

I've got mixed feelings about this one. On the one hand, it's a technically good picture, with effective thought put into how to fit it with the theme. On the other hand, there's something that just doesn't make it particularly impactful. If that's a word. Which it isn't.

The blurring is a little over impacting and only just scrapes into the theme, it would be a much improved without the blur effect.

Fun photo. It's a good capture that fits the theme nicely.

I really like this one. The colours are great and the texture is really brought out. It's a good example as well where an unusual composition really works to create an interesting photograph, which the overexposure and oversaturation really add to.

A real nice artistically designed shot that fits the theme.

I think you've processed it quite well and the image works well. Plenty of interest in the scene without it feeling particularly staged.

There are a few nice subtle details in this one, like the softness in the bottom right and the way the composition contrasts the crane-filled sky with the building. Again, a good way of combining good photographic technique with some lomo processing to give an interesting image.

Another that has been well processed and has the film style to it, with a simple but interesting theme that says lomo.

It's some snow on a branch. Sorry, I don't think the image really grabs me - I can't see the relevance to the theme in content or processing.

This isn't really a lomo shot, as it seems to be trying too hard to be a more conventional artistic shot.

A branch and some snow not much else.

Interesting image. I like the overall effect and the colours and contrast stand out well.

There's a great amount of contrast between the three main areas of the image, and this separation and contrast works really well. The levels adjustment makes it have a very lomo feel as well.

A great picture with strong colours and contrast giving great impact and an intriguing subject.

Nice processing. I'm surprised that more people didn't go for B&W variants, as there's no rule that says lomos HAVE to be colour. It's an effective image.

A good 'urban' shot, but not necessarily one that's 'lomo'. I like the way the textures have been brought out, and this is punched out by the composition and colour choice. Good photo, not particularly on theme though.

Well processed even with what looks a fairly mundane subject it gains some interest and impact.

This lacks something. It doesn't have a quirky take, interesting theme or interaction that would make it a good lomo shot for me.

A simple but effective photo. The impact here is brought mainly by the extreme blue saturation and contrast. With quite simple subjects, and other subtle details like the vignetting, this works quite well.

An interesting landscapes exposure that has crisp vivid colours but little connection to the theme.

A nice take on a standard architectural shot. The colours and contrast definitely give it something.

The texture and colour contrast makes this a really good image. I'm having a hard time believing that it may have come from a lomo camera however, whilst some details are replicated, it looks a bit too perfectly sharp which betrays the fact that it's been processed to be like a lomo.

An interesting take on the theme, if a little weak but a nice architectural shot that really emphasizes the structural details.

Hmm it's difficult to see the lomo side of this aside from the vignette. It's quite an interesting image, but it lacks something that would give it a higher impact.

A nice photo, with well thought-out composition and attention to detail on the processing.

Another shot with just vignetting added to make it fit the theme, which really spoils a good shot.

It's a fine photo, but it doesn't shout lomography. It may be spontaneous, but I can't see the real relevance to the theme.

More of an opportunistic portrait rather than a lomo shot in the conventional sense. I like the levels and how the overall processing, but it's not particularly fitting with the theme for me.

A nice portrait for the photo album.

Another vignette. It really doesn't say lomography to me and the processing isn't working.

A slightly odd one this. I like the processing that's been done, and the unusual angle I think works. I suppose it just doesn't feel balanced enough to have a high impact.

Some more stuck on vigenetting, the exposure and framing do work even on a dull subject.

It's not really hitting the theme for me and the processing is a bit extreme.

Some really good colours here, which help to give a really good punchy image.

I really like this one and it has that lomo feel about it with the over exaggerated whites and poor exposure, it could be a simple holiday snap on your failing Polaroid that lomo is all about.

I love the colours and grain you've got there - the overall effect of the image is good. I can't help but think the vignette is just too heavy, though.

Like some others, an essence of old-worldly feel has been captured fairly effectively here. Whilst it's not strictly aligned with the theme, it certainly fits and has a good impact.

A nice landscape and I understand the vignetting is for the theme but this runs a good shot.

It really depends on what you're looking for in a 'modern lomo' shot, but you'd be hard pressed to achieve this with a lomo film camera! For me, I'm afraid this misses the mark.

Some false-colouring here, which adds a great mysterious feeling to the sky, in contrast to the ground. That and the relative simplicity of the composition make this a great shot.

Its lomo in a sense, but discounting its weak connection to the theme it is an interesting shot with vivid colouring and clever subject with the road drawing you into the picture.
thanks for the comments :)
and congrats diverse180
Congrats to diverse180 and many thanks to the judges for all their time and effort.

I think it's a pretty fair analysis of my shot - it was definitely too staged to be true lomo. I'm glad someone picked up on the subtlety of it though, which is what I was going for. :)

I'm really struggling to get an entry in for portraiture but I'll try and get something this weekend.

I like this shot. It's not overly processed and fits the theme nicely. The wide aperture and miss-focus definitely put across the spontaneity.

A photo that's certainly recognisably Lomo, with the soft focus and the ad-hoc composition. However, it loses impact possibly because the composition is a bit too random. Whilst good Lomo pictures have unusual composition, not all photos with unusual compositions make good Lomo pictures.

A nice capture that is well taken but does the jaunty angle really add to this? It does not really make it lomo and does not improve the shot any.

Thanks for the comments.

My first comp entry so I'm pretty pleased with the result, especially as Lomo's such subjective category and I wasn't really sure what I was doing. :D

As for the angle, it wasn't intentionally "jaunty", that's just how it came out. :)
Thankyou for the comments. I see what you mean about the person in shot, I'd originally seen my mate walking ahead so just snapped the shot of him, focussing on the sign. Now wish I did it without him there!

Thanks again!
well done to all who entered and a special thank you to the judges for all their time and efforts.
its great to see the comp really picking up again and i think the judges comments are helping.
keep up the good work all.
Thanks for the comments on my photo judges. :)

I agree that mine wasn't too great on the theme. I thought I would stick with that one though as the others I took were better on theme but not very interesting!
Hey all,

Sorry for the late reply...I totally forgot about this tbh :)

It's really cool that I won, but I'd still like to say well done to all those who entered the competition as well.

I'm not sure how long I've got to think of a new theme, but it's not going to be today as I've got a killer hangover, sorry guys ;)

Thanks for all the comments, and thank you to the judges...I really do appreciate it! :)

Ok, I need to lie down now.
Lol @ my comments. It's true.
I took that photo beore I fully understood Lomo - and didn't get a chance to change it :(
I'm surprised I didn't come last :p

Hoping next month's theme will be something I can do even though I'll be low on time to do so.
Hey all,

Sorry for the late reply...I totally forgot about this tbh :)

It's really cool that I won, but I'd still like to say well done to all those who entered the competition as well.

I'm not sure how long I've got to think of a new theme
, but it's not going to be today as I've got a killer hangover, sorry guys ;)

Thanks for all the comments, and thank you to the judges...I really do appreciate it! :)

Ok, I need to lie down now.

We would like it by Tuesday afternoon at the latest.

Thank you.
Congrats on the win Diverse... fantastic Lomo shot

well done to all who entered and a special thank you to the judges for all their time and efforts.
its great to see the comp really picking up again and i think the judges comments are helping.
keep up the good work all.

Couldn't have put it better myself
Thanks guys...I really appreciate your comments, and I'm glad you liked the shot :)

I've just noticed that the theme I chose for the new round has been posted...I'm hoping that you guys are happy with it?
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