OcUK Photo Comp - Season Five : Round Seven - "Candid" RESULTS

18 Oct 2002
Wickford - dark and scary
OcUK Photo Comp - Season Five : Round Seven - "Candid" RESULTS


Total scores for the round
Photographer           Tech    Theme   Impact    Total

mrk                      23       23       22       68
Mohain                   22       19       23       64
nomore                   21       20       22       63
kmitty                   19       21       23       63
hoodmeister              21       21       20       62
dod                      22       18       21       61
AdWright                 20       20       21       61
danza                    19       21       21       61
MichaelG                 19       22       19       60
cyKey                    18       21       21       60
Gregeff                  21       18       20       59
ranarama                 18       21       20       59
pany                     18       20       17       55
antc                     18       19       18       55
Vipernet                 18       19       18       55
Psilonaught              16       22       17       55
yak.h'cir                18       20       16       54
JimmyEatWorms            18       19       17       54
brocksta                 18       18       18       54
5bjoshua                 17       20       17       54
Richard T                17       20       17       54
Colin_da_Killer          16       19       19       54
howell80                 17       18       18       53
rG-tom                   18       18       16       52
TerraS                   16       18       18       52
cmt                      17       18       16       51
growse                   15       20       16       51
lowrider007              15       18       16       49
flogger                  14       19       16       49
olv                      16       17       15       48
Blackvault               15       17       16       48
Joe T                    15       17       16       48
Raymond Lin              14       18       16       48
Venus                    14       18       16       48
TomWilko                 17       16       14       47
ichabod crane            17       15       15       47
philio16                 17       15       15       47
Scam                     15       16       14       45
sunlitsix                17       11       16       44
nolimit                  13       17       14       44
King_Boru                15       14       14       43
Damnations Fury          14       16       13       43
DreederOcUK              14       15       13       42
iBot                     13       16       13       42
Puz                      12       17       12       41
bam0                     13       15       12       40
southy1978                9       14       12       35

Technical marks
Photographer           Tech   Theme  Impact   Total
mrk                      23      23      22      68
Mohain                   22      19      23      64
dod                      22      18      21      61
hoodmeister              21      21      20      62
nomore                   21      20      22      63
Gregeff                  21      18      20      59
AdWright                 20      20      21      61
MichaelG                 19      22      19      60
kmitty                   19      21      23      63
danza                    19      21      21      61
cyKey                    18      21      21      60
ranarama                 18      21      20      59
pany                     18      20      17      55
yak.h'cir                18      20      16      54
antc                     18      19      18      55
Vipernet                 18      19      18      55
JimmyEatWorms            18      19      17      54
brocksta                 18      18      18      54
rG-tom                   18      18      16      52
5bjoshua                 17      20      17      54
Richard T                17      20      17      54
howell80                 17      18      18      53
cmt                      17      18      16      51
TomWilko                 17      16      14      47
ichabod crane            17      15      15      47
philio16                 17      15      15      47
sunlitsix                17      11      16      44
Psilonaught              16      22      17      55
Colin_da_Killer          16      19      19      54
TerraS                   16      18      18      52
olv                      16      17      15      48
growse                   15      20      16      51
lowrider007              15      18      16      49
Blackvault               15      17      16      48
Joe T                    15      17      16      48
Scam                     15      16      14      45
King_Boru                15      14      14      43
flogger                  14      19      16      49
Raymond Lin              14      18      16      48
Venus                    14      18      16      48
Damnations Fury          14      16      13      43
DreederOcUK              14      15      13      42
nolimit                  13      17      14      44
iBot                     13      16      13      42
bam0                     13      15      12      40
Puz                      12      17      12      41
southy1978                9      14      12      35

Theme marks
Photographer          Theme    Tech  Impact   Total
mrk                      23      23      22      68
MichaelG                 22      19      19      60
Psilonaught              22      16      17      55
hoodmeister              21      21      20      62
kmitty                   21      19      23      63
danza                    21      19      21      61
cyKey                    21      18      21      60
ranarama                 21      18      20      59
nomore                   20      21      22      63
AdWright                 20      20      21      61
pany                     20      18      17      55
yak.h'cir                20      18      16      54
5bjoshua                 20      17      17      54
Richard T                20      17      17      54
growse                   20      15      16      51
Mohain                   19      22      23      64
antc                     19      18      18      55
Vipernet                 19      18      18      55
JimmyEatWorms            19      18      17      54
Colin_da_Killer          19      16      19      54
flogger                  19      14      16      49
dod                      18      22      21      61
Gregeff                  18      21      20      59
brocksta                 18      18      18      54
rG-tom                   18      18      16      52
howell80                 18      17      18      53
cmt                      18      17      16      51
TerraS                   18      16      18      52
lowrider007              18      15      16      49
Raymond Lin              18      14      16      48
Venus                    18      14      16      48
olv                      17      16      15      48
Blackvault               17      15      16      48
Joe T                    17      15      16      48
nolimit                  17      13      14      44
Puz                      17      12      12      41
TomWilko                 16      17      14      47
Scam                     16      15      14      45
Damnations Fury          16      14      13      43
iBot                     16      13      13      42
ichabod crane            15      17      15      47
philio16                 15      17      15      47
DreederOcUK              15      14      13      42
bam0                     15      13      12      40
King_Boru                14      15      14      43
southy1978               14       9      12      35
sunlitsix                11      17      16      44

Impact marks
Photographer         Impact    Tech   Theme   Total
Mohain                   23      22      19      64
kmitty                   23      19      21      63
mrk                      22      23      23      68
nomore                   22      21      20      63
dod                      21      22      18      61
AdWright                 21      20      20      61
danza                    21      19      21      61
cyKey                    21      18      21      60
Gregeff                  20      21      18      59
hoodmeister              20      21      21      62
ranarama                 20      18      21      59
MichaelG                 19      19      22      60
Colin_da_Killer          19      16      19      54
brocksta                 18      18      18      54
antc                     18      18      19      55
Vipernet                 18      18      19      55
howell80                 18      17      18      53
TerraS                   18      16      18      52
JimmyEatWorms            17      18      19      54
pany                     17      18      20      55
5bjoshua                 17      17      20      54
Richard T                17      17      20      54
Psilonaught              17      16      22      55
rG-tom                   16      18      18      52
yak.h'cir                16      18      20      54
sunlitsix                16      17      11      44
cmt                      16      17      18      51
Blackvault               16      15      17      48
Joe T                    16      15      17      48
lowrider007              16      15      18      49
growse                   16      15      20      51
Raymond Lin              16      14      18      48
Venus                    16      14      18      48
flogger                  16      14      19      49
ichabod crane            15      17      15      47
philio16                 15      17      15      47
olv                      15      16      17      48
TomWilko                 14      17      16      47
King_Boru                14      15      14      43
Scam                     14      15      16      45
nolimit                  14      13      17      44
DreederOcUK              13      14      15      42
Damnations Fury          13      14      16      43
iBot                     13      13      16      42
bam0                     12      13      15      40
Puz                      12      12      17      41
southy1978               12       9      14      35

Results are sorted in four different ways:
1. Total scores: Total, Technical, Theme
2. Technical scores: Technical, Theme, Impact
3. Theme scores: Theme, Technical, Impact
4. Impact scores: Impact, Technical, Theme

Awards are made for scoring one or more perfect 10s:
Bronze: Scoring 10 from one judge in one category
Silver: Scoring 10 from two judges in one category
Gold: Scoring 10 from three judges in one category
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Thanks to the judges as always.... great job :D :D

some crit here would be good as well!
edit Congrats MRK...... whats the next theme?? :p c'mon chop chop! :D
Haha after all that one of the entries I really didn't consider to be candid won. Sorry mrk but it just felt like a portrait. Candid imho should tell a story in some ways. Oh well. Still a very nicely produced shot just lacking on the theme marks which IMHO is more important than how sharp your shot is. I could have stuck with my original entry if I was going for technically best image. Tricky round, next pls :)
I won?

olv` said my name in irc about this otherwise I would have never known, LOL! - I've been busy updating website to be finished before December and also working full time so have not had the chance to check the discussion thread :(

Thanks judges, I didn't expect to win either, there were a few entries I thought would be defo winners but me? :O A tough theme all round I'd say and many good entries.
well done mrk, thanks judges. Disappointed ranarama's didn't do better, I really liked that one :)
Interesting results..
I think that some which scored fairly low marks deserved to be considerably higher, and to a lesser extent vice versa. A pretty tough one to judge though, not least in part because the very definition of candid is up for debate.

There we go, though. Only one more to go! Surprised myself that I've entered all of these thus far - I didn't think I'd make it through the year when I started!

edit :
Just for the record, I really like looking at the stats site - no real reason for saying that except that nobody seems to mention it much. But kudos for the work put into it, and thanks, too :)
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Well done mrk (lol @ the GIF)!

Yours was a great image, full of expression. It deserved to be placed highly, and is a worthy winner ;)

Well done everyone else aswell. Some great shots here this round.

What's the next round then, mrk? :D
Yey! I scored 52 - my lowest ever score. :)
Totally deserved, cos my entry wasn't great.
Bring on the next theme mrK!


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Worthy winner, gratz mrk,

Im disappointed I didnt do better and feel my original entry was better than the one I switched to, but, I hope to improve and commit more time to taking something creative and fun for the next theme. Ive booked a few long weekend off work between now and Christmas with the soul aim of getting out and improving my photography...
Heh, turns out I suck after all :)
I appreciate the judges taking the time to score this comp, but I don't get their interpretation of the theme at all.
Oh well, hopefully the next one will be an easier concept to understand.
OMG second! I thought I was way off the mark theme wise :eek:

Cool :D

Grats Mrk and thanks loads to the judges :)

So will the judges choose the theme for the first round of the next season after Mrk has chosen the last theme of this one then?

And I echo what Hoodi says about the stats page, great job guys :)

P.S. The impact column is in the wrong order ;)
Thanks again guys :)

New theme is cuisine


Fixed, "creature comforts" was too broad and too non specific after a long chat in the ocuk channel :)
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mrk said:
Thanks again guys :)

Let the new theme be "small world" (hope it's not been done yet)

New theme is "creature comforts"

Make of it what you can, and have fun!

I am confused....so which one are we doing?
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