OcUK Photo Comp - Season Nine : Round Eleven - "Community" DISCUSSION

You could even take pictures of buildings, something like this screams community to me:

Enclosed, flats, windows, balconies, high rise. These all come to mind before I think "community", just me I guess?! I've got a couple of ideas, just need to find the right location...
I've got some which could probably count for a community of animals.. unfortunately the most recent being this weekend and not this month :p
I'm thinking something like these (but better :D)

maybe you could stretch to a church being some kind of symbol of community etc..
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Enclosed, flats, windows, balconies, high rise. These all come to mind before I think "community", just me I guess?! I've got a couple of ideas, just need to find the right location...

More inclined to Rojin on that front. It jumps out as poverty, depression and generally everything that is wrong in mass housing. But hey thats photography for you, subjective. :)

For me personally, that shot is an excellent example of community. Community does not necessarily mean a 'positive'? My first thought when I saw it was 'what an excellent take on the theme'. But hey thats photography for you, subjective. ;)
Ah, but if you didn't have any knowledge of the theme, would the pic still say community to you? This is what I am struggling with, I'm probably over obsessing though :D

As to community spirit in todays modern society, well that's a whole other debate! :p
Ah, but if you didn't have any knowledge of the theme, would the pic still say community to you? This is what I am struggling with, I'm probably over obsessing though :D

As to community spirit in todays modern society, well that's a whole other debate! :p

So going with that same logic, what if the theme was say 'natural light' and I entered a landscape and Willis entered a portrait, neither would openly shout the theme? Interestingly though, if we were to put together a series of words that depicts that photo, one of mine would definitely be community.

I don't think the picture needs to shout the theme, just as long as you know what the theme is and when looking at the picture see a connection, that is all that matters.

I think this is a really good discussion, a perfect example of how diverse interpretation can be; for me the photo strongly adheres to the theme and I completely respect why it does not for you. I could talk about this all day, it's something I find interested in. :)
So going with that same logic, what if the theme was say 'natural light' and I entered a landscape and Willis entered a portrait, neither would openly shout the theme? Interestingly though, if we were to put together a series of words that depicts that photo, one of mine would definitely be community.

I don't think the picture needs to shout the theme, just as long as you know what the theme is and when looking at the picture see a connection, that is all that matters.

I think this is a really good discussion, a perfect example of how diverse interpretation can be; for me the photo strongly adheres to the theme and I completely respect why it does not for you. I could talk about this all day, it's something I find interested in. :)

No you're right, but natural light would still be a very visible and tangible element of the photo. What I am struggling with on this theme, is that to me community is intangible. It's frequently called "community spirit" and a "sense of community". It's the harmony and self belief and achievement that a group of people strive to create and maintain. This is what I'd like to capture but I think it's going to be incredibly hard to do. Like I said earlier I'm probably over obsessing on how I see the theme :)

I've got a couple of ideas based around the physical structure of a community as I'm sure most here do. The nature angle is also interesting me :)
Surely community is about where you live, or where people live, or where a set of living things live, in which case, a block of flats is where people live together in one building and is hence a communual area ?
Surely community is about where you live, or where people live, or where a set of living things live, in which case, a block of flats is where people live together in one building and is hence a communual area ?

a communal area isn't the same as what Rojin is meaning. The 'sense of community' refers to a togetherness, but how martin is interpreting it and i agree is the lack of community despite it being a block of flats (community in the negative). Go to a block of flats and ask someone if they know their neighbour. chances are they probably don't.
Surely community is about where you live, or where people live, or where a set of living things live, in which case, a block of flats is where people live together in one building and is hence a communual area ?

Perhaps this is an illustration of why things are different in this day and age. Merely living in an area does not create a community. A community has to be nurtured and created by the people. There's an area where I live, plenty of blocks of flats, where people don't even know their neighbours or even want to know them. There's no sense of community at all, it's just a place people live. Do you see where I'm coming from?
I do.

However, does this mean if someone photographs a block of flats, and doesnt give a description, just hands in a photograph, they would be marked down as its then viewed as "not a community" yet the viewer does not know wether all the residents actually know each other ?

If i follow your reasoning there is no point in me entering this month as i dont personally know any group of people who live within a certain demographic. All i can photograph is the unknown to me, in that i wont know wether the people living in the structure i photograph know each other, and then in your terms, wether or not they are actually a community or just a load of people who happen to live in that structure.

I guess its down to everyones interpretation of the subject (and is why no one has any inspiration so far) ?
I do.

However, does this mean if someone photographs a block of flats, and doesnt give a description, just hands in a photograph, they would be marked down as its then viewed as "not a community" yet the viewer does not know wether all the residents actually know each other ?

If i follow your reasoning there is no point in me entering this month as i dont personally know any group of people who live within a certain demographic. All i can photograph is the unknown to me, in that i wont know wether the people living in the structure i photograph know each other, and then in your terms, wether or not they are actually a community or just a load of people who happen to live in that structure.

I guess its down to everyones interpretation of the subject (and is why no one has any inspiration so far) ?

Exactly! It's my own interpretation of the theme which is causing me so much grief. Everyone's interpretation will be different, and lets not forget, it's the judges interpretation that matters most :)
One of my orginal thoughts on this idea was a group photo of us at the London meet (forget the date), which would indicate "OcUK photography forum community". Not something obvious, but suitable imo.
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