OcUK Photo Comp - Season Ten : Round Nine - "Streetscape" RESULTS

Man of Honour
14 Aug 2005
OcUK Photo Comp - Season Ten : Round Nine - "Streetscape" RESULTS



Total scores for the round

Photographer    Tech    Theme  Impact  Total
GSXRMovistar	22	23	19	64
englishpremier	16	20	16	52
Docaroo		19	13	18	50
Scam		15	18	16	49
Voxination	15	18	16	49
Clowm		16	17	15	48
feriso		13	17	14	44
Gaffer		17	8	16	41
Wedge		14	13	12	39
lucklessloser	12	12	10	34
sillyswede	10	14	10	34

Technical marks

Photographer    Tech    Theme  Impact  Total

GSXRMovistar	22	23	19	64
Docaroo		19	13	18	50
Gaffer		17	8	16	41
englishpremier	16	20	16	52
Clowm		16	17	15	48
Scam		15	18	16	49
Voxination	15	18	16	49
Wedge		14	13	12	39
feriso		13	17	14	44
lucklessloser	12	12	10	34
sillyswede	10	14	10	34

Theme marks

Photographer    Tech    Theme  Impact  Total
GSXRMovistar	22	23	19	64
englishpremier	16	20	16	52
Scam		15	18	16	49
Voxination	15	18	16	49
Clowm		16	17	15	48
feriso		13	17	14	44
sillyswede	10	14	10	34
Docaroo		19	13	18	50
Wedge		14	13	12	39
lucklessloser	12	12	10	34
Gaffer		17	8	16	41

Impact marks

Photographer    Tech    Theme  Impact  Total
GSXRMovistar	22	23	19	64
Docaroo		19	13	18	50
Gaffer		17	8	16	41
englishpremier	16	20	16	52
Scam		15	18	16	49
Voxination	15	18	16	49
Clowm		16	17	15	48
feriso		13	17	14	44
Wedge		14	13	12	39
lucklessloser	12	12	10	34
sillyswede	10	14	10	34

Results are sorted in four different ways:
1. Total scores: Total, Technical, Theme
2. Technical scores: Technical, Theme, Impact
3. Theme scores: Theme, Technical, Impact
4. Impact scores: Impact, Technical, Theme
OcUK Photo competition results site http://ocukphotocomp.growse.com/

Congratulations GSXRMovistar!
Please forward the new theme to me by email. (hotmail address in trust)
Man of Honour
14 Aug 2005
Not bad, but it doesn't particularly grab me either. The people feel very squashed in the corner there, which makes the image feel off-balance and lacking a focal point.

All the elements are there but it's in need of a focal point. If the shutter was open longer the light trails would have done it for me I think.

It has all the potential of being a great streetscape but its just a littl messy at the minute with the mass of sillouhettes.

Don't think it's quite hit the theme on the head for me, but I love the OTT processing.

What a great find that immediately lends it's self to street photography. All that's needed is a happy accident from a passer by. It's got loads of punch.

I wouldnt necessarily call it a streetscape but it seems to work , could just do with some people to interact with.

It's nice, and the flags are an interesting leading line. Saying that, I'm not sold on the buildings. For me, a square crop that cuts them out is a better option.

Bright and breezy streetscape that is quite flat throughout. Don't be afraid to throw in some more contrast and vibrancy to make it leap off the page.

The shot needs some post processing to give it a bit of life its very flat at the as is.

I can't help but feel this is a very soulless image. It's in need of a focal point or an object of interest.

The background with its rich deep colours in the sky and glowing lights at dusk is a joy to look at. Pity the foreground has no impact. Looks like there was not much traffic to get adequate light trails. No need to worry, just fake it with multiple exposures and then blend them into one final image to get some impact in there.

I am dissapointed, as I did my thesis on Stoke-on-Trent and I know for a fact it is a fantastic city for streetscapes, you could have chosen from any of the 5 towns which for example have whole streets of boarded up houses, which would be perfect for this theme.

Interesting architectural shot, but not really a streetscape in my view. Have to say that you've gone too far with the processing, as well.

The shapes are interesting but I think you have missed the mark here Gaffer. An artistic representation of a street … this is not it.

Its definately not a streetscape but makes a great abstract architecture shot only distracting part is the portion of stone building bottom left.

Interesting shot with lots to look at. The processing works for me, but others might not be so keen.

Exactly what I was hoping to see. Lots of hustle and bustle, good composition and your buildings are not falling over. Well done.

Spot on for theme and what comes to mind when you think of streetscape, i am not to keen on the processing though.

I'm really not sure what it is you want us to be looking at here? Very bland shot overall - sorry.

There is lot's to improve here so I say this to help you grow. You have a weak composition with no foreground interest. Overall the image lacks a solid focal point and the colour palette is dull and lifeless. I feel like you were more worried about what people might have said if you took their picture in passing rather than concentrating on making an interesting shot.

The composition has captured a very awkward scene so has no real focus or subject, you just need to be on the opposite side of the road looking back across.

Quite a nice aspect, though the addition of people would make it more of a streetscape in my eyes. The processing is an awkward one - I like and dislike it at the same time.

Great style overall but it's not working for me theme wise. I think the discord comes from the old and new elements, decayed stonework vs shiny new metal bus. Juxtapose them sure, but only if you are making a point because otherwise they become a distraction.

It requires some people to make it.

I can't really see what it is you want us to take away from this? It's not something I'd come back to, put it like that. The processing also doesn't work for me.

Where are you taking me with this image. That needs to be the question you ask yourself next time. If you don't know or it's not immediately apparent then I think the image should be discarded and a new idea developed. Be critical with your work and you will get better over time.

The blue cast works here but its about the only redeeming feature for a very dull image again with no people to set it off.

I can't say it wows me, but that's mainly down to the processing - for me it's in need of a shadows and contrast boost, a hike in saturation and a levels tweak to make the blacks a bit deeper.

Your idea is good but your technique can be improved. Shooting wider at a higher vantage point would help to keep those verticals from converging. Also why not spend some time correcting the perspective in PS or Elements. As this takes such a little bit of time to fix I have to ask myself if you were being creative, but with the rest of the image needing contrast and vibrancy adjustments as well, I think not.

With a bit of PP work the shot gains a new lease of life some upping of the contrast really helps.

The focal point is very cramped into the right-hand side, which makes the image feel a bit lop-sided. Everything else is oof. What are we supposed to be looking at?

Shooting elements in series works well in an image and groups of odd number are very strong. Here you have made a cardinal sin though by having one of your focal points intersect with your frame. Doing this leads the eye outside and weakens what is already a plain image. In an area with obvious beauty it's a strange entry indeed.

The green door being the point of focus would be best composed further into the frame and so drawing your eye across the image more than at its edge.
Last edited:
13 Oct 2009
Well done GSXRMoviestar! :) I found "streetscape" a tough one, but I do wish I had gone with my original entry. I do see what you're saying about not having any 'life' in the image, and I knew the processing was a risky one.
13 Apr 2004
Worthy winner! As you probably saw from the discussion thread, I was properly confused by this topic. I can do street but the 'scape' stuff (e)scapes me! Hurr.
6 Nov 2005
Congratulations to our winner! In fairness, it was a relatively niche theme, but I think us judges were all a bit disappointed by the number of entries! Get outside your comfort-zones!
6 Nov 2002
London UK
Thanks all and thanks judges, as with everyone else I really did struggle with this one, but saying that I seem to struggling each month (still pulling my hair out with the communication one!).

Now the extra stress of choosing the next theme. :p
13 Apr 2004
For everyone's convenience, Entry thread is here:


Down in single figures for theme. That smarts.

Truth is that "Street" isn't really my thing.

Thanks to the judges for their time and 'grats to GSXR.
I think, to be fair, the person who chose this (sorry I can't even remember who!) had different ideas for "Streetscape" too and linked to a bunch of architectural shots. Your picture may have been more relevant if those were to be considered.
30 Dec 2004
I can't help but feel this is a very soulless image. It's in need of a focal point or an object of interest.

The background with its rich deep colours in the sky and glowing lights at dusk is a joy to look at. Pity the foreground has no impact. Looks like there was not much traffic to get adequate light trails. No need to worry, just fake it with multiple exposures and then blend them into one final image to get some impact in there.

I am dissapointed, as I did my thesis on Stoke-on-Trent and I know for a fact it is a fantastic city for streetscapes, you could have chosen from any of the 5 towns which for example have whole streets of boarded up houses, which would be perfect for this theme.

I have to agree, I was somewhat lacking in inspiriation, as I'm not a native I don't know all the areas; I did have ideas in my head but I couldn't find the shot. As for boarded up houses - I did that type of shot last year with Community so I was going for something different; I drove round Tunstall/Burlsem but again couldn't find what I was looking for - maybe my interpretation of it was poor - at least I wasn't last! :D

edit : BTW - congrats GSXR, great shot!
18 Oct 2002
Just put the results up on the site. Apologies for downtime earlier, the relevent person watching that particular site will now be shot. :)
6 Nov 2002
London UK
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