OcUK Poker 09 Season

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5 May 2004
Northern Ireland
Welcome to the OcUK Poker 09 Season.

The game is Texas Hold 'Em: No Limit Tournament. The blinds start at 10/20 and will increase ever 10mins. The games often don't last any longer than 2.5hrs. A maximum of 50 players can take part in an evening's game.

Games are on a Sunday evening usually at 8:30pm. However when popular programmes such as Top Gear are on the TV the starting time is often 9:15-9:30pm.

The games will take place on Stan James. Free registration and taking part in games is free. Stan James Link

For the fun and the winner of the league will receive the coveted Ocuk Poker Champ signature.

This is open to anyone from OcUK. Last year we had a player invite some people from another forum. This isn't a problem so long as they join OcUK then they can play.

To set up a table you need to deposit $10 into your Stan James account. Then click on 'My Account' then 'manage private tables'. Then create a table buy selecting freeroll, no limit, Texas Hold'em, 50 seat tourney, the date would be a Sunday at 8:30pm. Then at the end make sure you click 'Show Table'

Defending Champion:
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As this is mainly for fun there aren't many rules:
No just posting the blinds and folding to any bets in order to get up the rankings. While this is a perfectly legal poker more, excessive use of this tactic will not be tolerated. This is meant as just a friendly game of poker.
In order to host a room a player must deposit $10 into Stan James. Each week someone will volunteer to do it. While you are not asked to pay it would nice every once in a while. A record will be kept of who as already paid and two points will be awarded to said person.​

The games will take place every week however only the top 35 scores of each player will be used to decide the final standings. This will allow people to miss a good 20 weeks due to other commitments. But do remember the more the play the higher the chance your score will be. People can join at any time throughout the year.

A Teamspeak server is available for OcUk members. The IP for this is

Points Scoring:

1st - 15 points
2nd - 13 points
3rd - 11 points
4th - 9 points
5th - 8 points
6th - 7 points
7th - 6 points
8th - 5 points
9th - 4 points
10th - 3 point
Attending - 1 point
Booking a table - 2 points


1 Darkmage88
2 Turtle1000
3 mrbios
4 Al-Ectician
5 Keyser Soze
6 beer66
7 Zero1
8 Commissario
9 Benjamin2909
10 Blackvault

Website League Not working 19/04/09
Spreadsheet League

Table Information
Week 1 Table: Overclockers Password: straightflush Time: 21:00 Provider: Gillywibble
Week 2 Table: Overclockers Password: ocuktrips Time: 20:10 Provider: Happy
Week 3 Table: Overclockers Password: blackvaultpwns Time: 20:30 Provider: Blackvault
Week 4 Table: Overclockers Password: quadaces Time: 20:30 Provider: Hoticejamie
Week 5 Table: Overclockers Password: hiroller Time: 20:30 Provider: Turtle1000
Week 6 Table: Overclockers Password: royalflush Time: 20:30 Provider: Zero1
Week 7 Table: Overclockers Password: gushansen Time: 20:30 Provider: el_dazza
Week 8 Table: Overclockers Password: royalflush Time: 20:30 Provider: jaymd
Week 9 Table: Overclockers Password: highroller Time: 20:30 Provider: Gillywibble
Week 10 Table: Overclockers Password: pocketaces Time: 20:30 Provider: Mr.BIOS
Week 11 Table: Overclockers Password: fullhouse Time: 20:30 Provider: Turtle1000
Week 12 Table: Overclockers Password: allin Time: 20:30 Provider: Darkmage88
Week 13 Table: Overclockers Password: fiveaces Time: 20:30 Provider St.Josh
Week 14 Table: Overclockers Password: fullhouse Time: 20:00 Provider Gillywibble
Week 15 Table: Overclockers Password: twopair Time: 20:30 Provider Keyser Soze
Week 16 Table: Overclockers Password: 1stout Time: 20:30 Provider Kemik88
Week 17 Table: Ovclockers Password: pocketaces Time: 20:30 Provider Blackvault
Week 18 Table: Overclockers Password: twopair Time: 20:30 Provider Darkmage88
Week 19 Table: Overclockers Password: aceshigh Time:20:00 Provider Gilly
Week 20 Table: Overclockers Password: flush Time: 20:30 Provider: Zero

Week 21 Table: Overclockers Password: twopair Time: 20:30 Provider: Darkmage88
Week 22 Table: OcUk Password pocketkings Time: 20:30 Provider: Gillywibble
Week 23 Table: Overclockers Password pocketaces Time: 20:30 Provider: Blackvault
Week 24 Table: Overclockers Password texasholdem Time: 20:30 Provider SDChanges
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