OcUK Poker 09 Season

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Would anyone have any knowledge in how we could present the league standings and data in a better format? I was thinking along the lines of SidtheTurtle's Gamertag site over in Consoles. I would also like to be able to generate reports and graphs for each player.

If anyone would have any suggestions then please add me to msn. My address is in my trust.

Gilly - the most we had last year was 32 in a game so today was high enough. We average around 27-30 each week.


Well done Zero1. Good Game everyone. All the league standings have been updated.

Also I'll have a surprise for you lot hopefully later in the week! :D

The surprise is here!!!!


*note that its still very much in development and such things as the graphs are wrong but we (me and HTMLHugo) are getting there.

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Congrats to Wez130 for winning.

The first page has been updated with the scoring. Website and Speadsheet has been updated too. :)

Thanks for the table hoticejamie.

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