PS3, PS4, PS Vita - Daffy--67

I am old and not very good, but make up for it with enthusiasm :p

Just got my PS4, have no friends in my list, send me a request just state your from ocuk and i will add you :)
PS3/4/Vita - CanaryFighter20X

Basically, I got mad when all the PSN IDs I wanted were taken so I put in something that I new definitely wouldn't be taken. :D Kinda regretted it at the time, now it's ma thing.

Get my PS4 on Saturday and get internet sorted next week some time. Will add people/ respond to people as soon as I can :)
PSN - Fayers59 :)

Will be playing Destiny when it's released so will be looking for players on that but anyone can feel free to add me. :)
Thanks to my lovely Girlfriend got a PS4 now to.

PSN - TX0409

Got The Last of Us Remastered and the free game Black Light Retribution

Feel free to add me.
PSN: xninjapirate9901

New member here. Fairly casual console player but have been enjoying Diablo 3 recently and like everyone else will be catching the Destiny bug next week.
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