Ocuk Retro gamers

3 Dec 2005

I'm in the process of building my first retro gaming system, voodoo 2, pentium 2.

Mainly focusing on mid 90s games.

Anyone else have an interest in retro gaming, or hardware?
I have a casual interest in 90's games - still have me SNES actually but the 80's were more my era though - the first NES, arcades and the ZX Spectrum...
Amiga 500 was the earliest I played, any memories of that system?

Since I have gained an interest in this era it really does open your eyes to the progression in technology.

My fondest memories is Z (bitmap brothers), quake, doom, dungeon keeper.
Thinking of doing this myself soon, my first PC was a P200mmx which I added a Voodoo2 to :)
I do! See my project thread.


I've dropped the PC as the PII 450MHz CPU just wasn't really powerful enough for the games I wanted to play (my TNT2 was substantially over powered for it), and my motherboard couldn't take Pentium IIIs. I then went P4, but that was just loud, slow, hot and 'not special enough'. I then had a Windows 7 32bit system with a Core 2 Duo and some random low power GPU (Nvidia 440 I think), but I then realised I might as well use my normal PC and lose a screen on my desk. I now just game on my Windows 10 PC with an external DVD drive. I have the Windows 7 PC for the games that don't like 64bit Windows.

I play games like No One Lives Forever 1 and 2, Driver, Red Alert, Medal of Honour Allied Assault...

Anyway I still have the beige case for when I next get the itch ;)

Which is right now, thanks.:p
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I've been running my Raspberry Pi with RetroPie. The latest version is amazing. It's great that I can have my Atari VCS, Commodore Vic 20, Commodore 64 and Commodore Amiga in one place.

I'm also happy to see how much gaming has moved on. :-)
Ive got a collection of just over 100 megadrive games. And about 6 or 7 megadrive console box variants. Also got a stack of master system/n64/ps1 gear.

As for PC I have an athlon 1600+ with 256mb ram and a geforce 4, running windows 98se! Really dont use it that much tho as I had to start concentrating on baby stuff and didnt get many games.
Ive got a collection of just over 100 megadrive games. And about 6 or 7 megadrive console box variants. Also got a stack of master system/n64/ps1 gear.

As for PC I have an athlon 1600+ with 256mb ram and a geforce 4, running windows 98se! Really dont use it that much tho as I had to start concentrating on baby stuff and didnt get many games.

That is a great collection, im still sourcing old skool hardware. Having the time to build and setup will wait until my kids are a little older.

Finding the early voodoo cards is difficult now, let along in a few years time.
I just dismantled my old Amiga A4000 to check the NiCad battery after seeing this thread and going off on a nostalgia binge on the web and finding several sites warning about them leaking. After not being switched on in about 7-8 years, sure enough the battery has leaked with a white crusty deposit around the battery itself and signs of liquid having gone across part of the motherboard. Looks as though it has partially dissolved at least one track on the underside of the board next to the dimms :( Haven't got the guts to switch it on again to test. Just a posting this as a warning to check yours out if you haven't already, its only a matter of time.
I do! See my project thread.


I've dropped the PC as the PII 450MHz CPU just wasn't really powerful enough for the games I wanted to play (my TNT2 was substantially over powered for it), and my motherboard couldn't take Pentium IIIs. I then went P4, but that was just loud, slow, hot and 'not special enough'. I then had a Windows 7 32bit system with a Core 2 Duo and some random low power GPU (Nvidia 440 I think), but I then realised I might as well use my normal PC and lose a screen on my desk. I now just game on my Windows 10 PC with an external DVD drive. I have the Windows 7 PC for the games that don't like 64bit Windows.

I play games like No One Lives Forever 1 and 2, Driver, Red Alert, Medal of Honour Allied Assault...

Anyway I still have the beige case for when I next get the itch ;)

Which is right now, thanks.:p

Both classics. Such a shame they can't sort out the rights for a sequel.
Got a P2 450 on a 440BX with a full gig of ram and Matrox Millennium 2 8mb and a pair of 12mb Voodoo2's in it. Contemplating switching to a Voodoo5 5500 AGP.
Still have a full AMD Athlon AXIA 1ghz @1.4ghz with a 38mm thick Delta fan cooler... Doesn't get turned on much unsurprisingly.
Also got my towered A1200 66mhz 060/330mhz 603e machine. That's going to have an overhaul soon.

Tempted to build a Socket 478 P4 machine too.
I've been running my Raspberry Pi with RetroPie. The latest version is amazing. It's great that I can have my Atari VCS, Commodore Vic 20, Commodore 64 and Commodore Amiga in one place.

I'm also happy to see how much gaming has moved on. :)

I bought an arcade table top controller case which hooks up to my TV which has Retropie installed on a Pi. As I bought it I'm not really sure how to set it up or make changes. I would really like to have Amiga games on it but don't know how to add them. Mostly play Neo Geo games.
Tempted to build a Socket 478 P4 machine too.

I am not bothered with 478 as it is not interesting enough - too fast to be used with an interesting OS like win98SE, too slow to be any good at Win7 x86, too loud and hot to use all the time. S775 is much more modern, quiet and user friendly for a win7 'retro' machine (and brings the benefits of using w7 over xp), and socket 370 / slot 1 is more suited to older OS's and can be passively cooled!
I am not bothered with 478 as it is not interesting enough - too fast to be used with an interesting OS like win98SE, too slow to be any good at Win7 x86, too loud and hot to use all the time. S775 is much more modern, quiet and user friendly for a win7 'retro' machine (and brings the benefits of using w7 over xp), and socket 370 / slot 1 is more suited to older OS's and can be passively cooled!

If I build it, it'll be another WindowsXP machine as I've got a few things that don't run on 64bit or anything later than XP and my Athlon is really loud.
My P2 450 runs 98se and Dos 6.22.
Got a Q9650 running Windows7 in the office, that is going to be the basis of my arcade build now. Needs an updated graphics card as it's running an R7 250. Will also probably end up watercooled with a AIO system.
I have a Mame Arcade cabinet, and recently setup a Raspberry PI system for playing retro console and computer games. As someone who started off working on computer games back in the mid 80's the whole retro scene is very nostalgic to me.
Just revisiting my MAME collection and decided to have a look at the Amiga Emulators. Was just trawling retro sites and ended up on Aminet. Did a search for my Amiga username and lo and behold there is an old demo I did on there which was a mickey take of Op Wolf (I think) which got a mention in C&VG and CU Amiga and the last of my util collections No.15 which used to get featured on the coverdisk of CU Amiga. I bet there are a few more of my demo's on there as I did a few (also coded some demos on CBM64) man they were awful but just cant remember what they were called to search for them. Coo! Them were the days.
I love my retro games. I think I've played on or owned most of the device all the way up to where I am now. Including a Binatone, Spectrum 48K+, C64, MSX, Amiga, SNES, PS1, Megadrive, etc. up to the PC that I'm currently using.

Thankfully GOG and DOSbox has meant I don't have to boot up an old PC as of late but there are times I'd like to play games as they were meant to be rather than messing around with configs. I still have WinUAE (Amiga Emulator) setup and, occasionally, get the Amiga out to play it as they were meant!

Why would you want to build a system if you can emulate? I understand a MAME cab but anything else is pointless. Just get a blissbox and proper joystick on the pc :-)
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