Ive got a collection of just over 100 megadrive games. And about 6 or 7 megadrive console box variants. Also got a stack of master system/n64/ps1 gear.
As for PC I have an athlon 1600+ with 256mb ram and a geforce 4, running windows 98se! Really dont use it that much tho as I had to start concentrating on baby stuff and didnt get many games.
I do! See my project thread.
I've dropped the PC as the PII 450MHz CPU just wasn't really powerful enough for the games I wanted to play (my TNT2 was substantially over powered for it), and my motherboard couldn't take Pentium IIIs. I then went P4, but that was just loud, slow, hot and 'not special enough'. I then had a Windows 7 32bit system with a Core 2 Duo and some random low power GPU (Nvidia 440 I think), but I then realised I might as well use my normal PC and lose a screen on my desk. I now just game on my Windows 10 PC with an external DVD drive. I have the Windows 7 PC for the games that don't like 64bit Windows.
I play games like No One Lives Forever 1 and 2, Driver, Red Alert, Medal of Honour Allied Assault...
Anyway I still have the beige case for when I next get the itch
Which is right now, thanks.![]()
I've been running my Raspberry Pi with RetroPie. The latest version is amazing. It's great that I can have my Atari VCS, Commodore Vic 20, Commodore 64 and Commodore Amiga in one place.
I'm also happy to see how much gaming has moved on.![]()
Tempted to build a Socket 478 P4 machine too.
I am not bothered with 478 as it is not interesting enough - too fast to be used with an interesting OS like win98SE, too slow to be any good at Win7 x86, too loud and hot to use all the time. S775 is much more modern, quiet and user friendly for a win7 'retro' machine (and brings the benefits of using w7 over xp), and socket 370 / slot 1 is more suited to older OS's and can be passively cooled!