Ocuk Retro gamers

This is such a good thread, good to see people spending the time to ressurect these old pcs.

At my parents Ive still got: my first pc - a 386DX 25mhz pc with a Soundblaster Pro, a Core2 Q6700 Win7 shuttle and my old i5 2500k rig. I've no idea what to do with these now. I had to bin most of the other PC parts, but I've still got a 19" iiyama Vision Master Pro 453 (the one with DVI), a NEC WGX2 20.1LCD and my old AGP Gainward 7800GS. All the PCs work, but with a 9 week old baby, I'm lacking the time and imagination to do anything constructive with them. Maybe in a few years I can post back and ressurect this thread :D
Anyone recognise this desktop?

I saw it in a LGR video recently and recognised it as my first ever PC.

I swear it was a gateway 2000 but I have google searched for hours and cant find anything similar.

It was an 486dx4 with 16mb of ram and an s3 Virge DX
I managed to find the case my very first PC was housed in. Really happy to have found one in good condition. Proceeded to move my Pentium MMX machine. Working MHZ readout too :-)

I managed to find the case my very first PC was housed in. Really happy to have found one in good condition. Proceeded to move my Pentium MMX machine. Working MHZ readout too :)

Looks awesome and so new, I bet you are dead chuffed - I would be! :)
I managed to find the case my very first PC was housed in. Really happy to have found one in good condition. Proceeded to move my Pentium MMX machine. Working MHZ readout too :)

That's the first case I had as well! Was that around 1997-98? Can't remember exactly where I got it from, but it was one of the online computer retailers around back then.
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