There will be pizza Princey..
Oh yeah om nom nom
There will be pizza Princey..
Oh man what an expensive day today has turned out to be!
Wortec Exhaust fitted and set to loud and full service with every single fluid changed at Monkfish Performance
I think we'll be going for tea rather than lunch with 25 runners! I might bring some snacks to stash in my coat like a fat kid to keep me going.
I was more on about tea or lunch. Why not bothTea snacks everything...
I prefer Caffe Nero, myself
I am personally planning to make the day varied, no point saving the "good stuff" until the end. We've got enough decent metal to spread it out I think.
Is it icy down your ends today?Don't think we need one really 12pm at The Jovial Sailor!
My 182 is (obviously) supposed to be 182bhp, however I would be happy with anything over 170. I have a really bad blowing exhaust at the moment, I assume this will rape my figures won't it?
I'll have to get it sorted before this goes ahead.