***OcUK Secret Santa 2011 - Discussion!***

I guess you'll have to take it up with the Don in question Ahleckz if you'd like to discuss it with them.

Need to sort out my SS present tonight I think!
I think that saying someone has already called dibbs on someone elses 'love hole' isn't entirely family friendly, wouldn't you agree?! Oh, and the mention of 'white knighting'!

In that case, ban half of GD.

There are some really horrible things mentioned that aren't "forum friendly", you're more likely to be suspended over a MOD in a mood or a MOD disliking you / the debate you're having or what not.

I reported someone for saying "**** off troll" a while back, nothing was done, I said "**** off" in a sarcastic way not directed at anybody, boom two day suspension.

System stinks. Actively posting a lot less because of it.

Also; Should have my SS sorted by the weekend and posted Monday :D

Still no idea what kind of thing my SS is in to, so opting for something a bit out there :p
I have ordered 1 of my presents, really struggling to find something that is suitable for the 2nd part of the present :(

I managed to get stung on p&p though, £5.99 for normal shipping!!!! I'm not even sending it directly to my SS as they can't separate the invoice/remove my name from it!
Tummy - there is currently being a shake up. I can only apologise if you feel like you've been treated unfairly. I do try to look at all RTMs that come through but work takes up a lot of my time so can't dedicate as much time as I would like to this place.
Fire me or another Don an email in future please :)
Still no idea what kind of thing my SS is in to, so opting for something a bit out there :p

I think that "out there" is far more fun than "oh, X wants one of those, okay I will buy it for them"..

Maybe that's just my opinion, way I see it, if Secret Santa was about buying people gifts that they want, then you may aswell say on day 1 "okay, I have you as my victim, what should I buy you?" There'd be no need for it to be secret, just pair everyone up and let them at it. But this is secret, and as such, it should be down to the sender to find weird and funky and downright strange things to baffle and bamboozle and raise a smile.

Am I just being the 1% again?
How boring, my secret santa is in for a disappointment if he thinks he is getting something that he wants or needs :D

Well, that and something else would be awesome. hint hint ;)

I got my victim something off his/her list, something I think it is useful and something completely random.
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Well seeing as my SS has not replied to anything on elfster and has posted about 4 times since this thread was created I have had to think outside the box and be a little creative.

All should be with me in a few days. Then I just need to find a box big enough and hope that they are not dissapoint come christmas.
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So find who has posted least in this thread and we can see who your SS is with reasonable accuracy.


Hmm one of 4 people it would seem :p
So find who has posted least in this thread and we can see who your SS is with reasonable accuracy.


Hmm one of 4 people it would seem :p

Ahh i meant posted 4 posts on the forum as a whole not just in this thread.

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