I've received a very odd message from my SS on Elfster! And I've also received some abusive emails from someone from these very forums this evening...
I hope you find out who they are from. I have yet to get any questions but I do know what I will be buying for Santa to deliver!
It's MM related I believe, someone thinking it's funny to send abusive emails towards me for no reason.
It's MM related I believe, someone thinking it's funny to send abusive emails towards me for no reason.
It's MM related I believe, someone thinking it's funny to send abusive emails towards me for no reason.
I sense a permaban coming...
Already been done, but there's more than meets the eye to this.
It's fine Ahleckz, I can't delete forums
It's fine Ahleckz, I can't delete forums
It's MM related I believe, someone thinking it's funny to send abusive emails towards me for no reason.
Just being nosy?
I suppose unmasking the abuser is a no-no?, once you have rock solid proof that is...........
Cant see the point in being abusive, if a member breaks a rule and gets any kind of sanction or whatever it may be from a mod, should not have broken the rule,
go's in the 'its your own doing so live with it box'.
yeah, but you said you could merge topics yesterday
I'm not going to go into details as there's a lot more to the story.
Anyway my elf keeps posting things about/to me on elfster, wtf bbq is going on? Apparently I'm not allowed to open anything I receive!
Ban the forum, job done