ocuk sent the wrong case oops!

8 Sep 2006
On Ocuk
So have you actually said this to them?

Bearing in mind posting on the forum doesn't count since it relies on a member of staff mooching about and spotting your thread.
This just goes to show that the staff aren't Robots as previously thought & must be Human. :eek:
I posted it here just because I was having a whinge, I know that section exists. There is probably nothing ocuk can do unless I send it back which I can't because the system has been built already.

Besides someone else might run into the same issue, so it helps others :)
If you talked to 5UB nicely he'd probably be able to organise it so they sent out the other case so that you'd simply have to move the build over, requiring minimum effort on your half... They'd probably do some kind of charge you for the case and refund it when they received the old case back or something...

Aye you should talk to 5UB on the customer service forum EVEN if you are happy to keep the one you have been sent, simply because I know he has had to have a go at the ocuk grotto hobgoblins recently... maybe this could help find out who the rogue staff member is who keeps sending out the wrong things... :P
:p Posted on the customer service forums earlier, overall I'm pleased with the service and speed of ocuk in getting all this stuff to me.

Just a mess up at the case end :p
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