My first post and its probably the same one 99% of people do when they join. 
Firstly, hello.
I am looking to get a new computer for gaming.
The games I am trying to play are BF3 ARMA2 and 3 when it arrives and dayZ as well as war thunder and World of tanks online, EVE sometimes and Planetside 2 as well.
I would like to purchase one of the systems over clockers sell because I can buy them on finance, as I am below the national the poverty line, but not sure what I am looking at so need some advice to point me to the right one.
Max budget £800.
I would like an OS probs windows 7 as I hear 8 isnt that great, dont worry about the keyboard or mouse as I have one.
Edited all the chatty stuff out.

Firstly, hello.
I am looking to get a new computer for gaming.
The games I am trying to play are BF3 ARMA2 and 3 when it arrives and dayZ as well as war thunder and World of tanks online, EVE sometimes and Planetside 2 as well.
I would like to purchase one of the systems over clockers sell because I can buy them on finance, as I am below the national the poverty line, but not sure what I am looking at so need some advice to point me to the right one.
Max budget £800.
I would like an OS probs windows 7 as I hear 8 isnt that great, dont worry about the keyboard or mouse as I have one.
Edited all the chatty stuff out.
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