OCUK Teddy Travels

ScarySquirrel, did you make any blog posts when you had him?

If not, I'll need to create a blog post and attribute it with a location (give me your rough area/town, and I'll add that) - it can be either your home, or where you took him.

iamdjdz - I'll get the details off to you now :)
Ah, sure... I'll change the details back for you, TimBrad, then tomorrow night I'll change the details for iamdjdz.

(You might need to just send the password I gave you back to me if you can't log in!)
Got the details from you Confused, won't be able to log in and update I wouldn't imagine til I'm back, but I'll have everything ready to go as soon as I can :) might get a chance when I'm away but I doubt it. Stick a post up here when you've changed the login back please :)
Teddy has arrived in sunny (not) Northern Ireland! He'll be spending the day helping me to clean and do the washing ready for leaving on thursday! I am also expecting rockets to arrive today so he may possibly be there for a launch later if it turns sunny or tomorrow if there's no wind!

Cheers Tim for the quick delivery :)
No probs mate, my Mum actually posted him and I :eek:'d at the thought of him going only first class and not getting there in time, but go go gadget Teddy! :D

I'll have that blog done tonight, so its then all yours dude, hope Teddy's blue bangle stayed on his arm, was one I've had for years so I thought it'd suit his style! :D
ScarySquirrel, did you make any blog posts when you had him?

If not, I'll need to create a blog post and attribute it with a location (give me your rough area/town, and I'll add that) - it can be either your home, or where you took him.

iamdjdz - I'll get the details off to you now :)

Cheers dude, I live in Punnets Town, East Sussex and I took him to Beachy Head, East Sussex.


Beachy Head

is teddy available from 20th to 24th May??

Am hopefully having a day out with mac on 21st, then either mac can have him saturday and sunday or I can take him with me to my sister's to enjoy a yummy BBQ :D
Will try and blog whilst I'm away but I can't promise anything, am heading in an hour or so. If not it'll all get added afterwards, I'm bringing a notebook so I can write what Teddy's been up to.

Whoever's next please send me a trust email with the address to send Teddy to. (can send on the 24th) Also Confused if I haven't been able to continuously blog can you give me a day or so to update on the other side :)

Cheers guys, think this is Teddy's first trip out of the country, wish him luck!
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