OCUk Ultima Mobile

4 Oct 2008
Hey all I'm considering this laptop and I have 2 questions.

1. I heard the 9800M GT is being discontinued. But will OcUK offer the 9800M GT as an upgrade option anytime soon? As many other Clevo M860TU/Sager NP8660 resellers are still offering the 9800M GT. If not, do you know if there will be a card thats taking the 9800M GT's place in the near future?

2. Do OcUK offer a Zero-Dead Pixel Guarentee at all?

I've already sent a web-note message. But have go no reply.

Thanks in advance.
i think i have seen on here that at the mo they do not offer a zero dead pixel thing but not 100% on that
The 9800M GT is a rebranded 8800GTX (i hate the way nvidia cheat like that). It is barely faster than the gts (lower clocks but higher shaders) and probably less inefficient and more expensive to produce.

in otherwords don't worry about it
I sent the webnote thing 2 days ago, i have a reply now though. Confirmed they dont do a zero dead pixel guarentee. I'll be buying from elsewhere.
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