Had my first go at AMS2 last night. Used the car mentioned in the OP and drove on the Brand's Hatch track. Oh, yes, using an xbox controller.
Played for almost an hour, I had to stop as I was getting queasy in my stomach. Hopefully that will wear off as I get my racing VR legs under me.
What was the session like? Pretty rubbish to be honest

In the whole hour I only managed to complete one lap(1.56) In fact you might as well just call me the lawnmower man, as I spent most of the time driving up and down the grass on the side of the track.
In my defence, I was using an old Xbox 360 controller that I hadn't used in years and the triggers were a bit spotty, especially the left trigger. Going to try it with my Xbox series X controller next time.
EDIT: Sorry, forgot to say thanks to Mr.Cookie and SimonRigga for helping(mocking) me yesterday. Their encouraging laughter really brought comfort to me as they lapped me again and again and again.