OcUKGraphics Comp - Season One: Round Four - "Urban" DISCUSSION

vaultingSlinky said:
I gotta say mrdbristol I think i preferred yours in grayscale without the colour...just personal preference mind!

Just playing with ideas , and welcoming your critique*. Thanks for your honesty.



* EDIT : Noted and changed back :D
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if any of you cool dudes fancy adding me on msn to exchange ideas/methods/critique. msn is in sig . :)
yea it seems some people can see it and some people can't? it is strange i really don't understand it at all. I have never had a problem with seeing anything i upload or my sites?

Like the guy who asked for a sig i made it and put it up and link via




http://thehostingip etc

But he couldnt see any of them so i'm thinking it isnt a dns problem. I am really confused. Can everyone else see my stuff fine except Nimzicki?

Could it be to do with when my site was hacked and people were running scams off it? Maybe the hosting ip or my domain was blacklisted or something?
Bummer :( I haven't been able to see anything for ages now, never even intermittently, any chance of uploading your entries somewhere else so I can have a gander? :p
I remembered i had a twobeds upload account so i stuck it on there. Surely you can see it now? I dont like my entry at the moment :( Trying to think of ways to improve it or i might start again! Damn my creative flow.

Mr_L said:
I've also noticed I seem to be the only one that names their work.

I named it better this time too!
Yep, can see it now :) I think its a good start, seems a bit too clean for the urban theme if you dont mind me saying. Needs more of a focal point, the area of orange is pulling my eye towards it as opposed to the face, which I assume was meant to be your main point of focus? Just a thought :)
Thanks for the critique always welcome ofcourse. After doing this and looking at it for ages i know that it just needs something more. Just needs something to stand out. I was initially thinking that the city silhouette was just going to be the back drop. When doing this type of things i always get to a point when i just go brain dead and have to leave it for a while. There is plenty of time to change it between now and the deadline so i will have to have a think.

Thanks for the advice much appreciated, anyone else :)
Changed my entry to something a little less grey.

I think this one has a bit more "impact" ?

Your criticism is welcome and encouraged.


mrdbristol said:
Changed my entry to something a little less grey.

I think this one has a bit more "impact" ?

Your criticism is welcome and encouraged.



honestly i think i liked the other one better, maybe you could have introduced a colour scheme into that one??

dont hurt me! :(
Yeah, I prefered the other one too. I'm not sure what you could do to make it better though. You've already tried adding colour and that didn't look as good either, it's a tough one.
are we allowed to post different ideas in this thread? or does everything have to be in the entries thread.

just wondering because i would like some opinions on a modified version of the one that ive entered :)
i would suggest changing your entry in the entry thread and then informing us you have then people can critique here. i think it saves cluttering this thread with images and people posting multiple images at a time in here asking which is the best one.
NaTe said:
i would suggest changing your entry in the entry thread and then informing us you have then people can critique here. i think it saves cluttering this thread with images and people posting multiple images at a time in here asking which is the best one.


P.S. " dont hurt me! :( "

Am I that frightening ? :eek:

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