Oculus Rift CV1

Once you move away from tech demos and actually start playing proper games the resolution need kicks in.
I play Elite Dangerous and it's really hard to make out any of the fonts (and therefore wording) clearly without leaning in. Even then it's tough to make some digits out.

Roll on the CV1 with higher res and smoother/less latency :)
I'm personally finding the HTC vive more interesting from reading and watching videos on it. It will be interesting to see who chooses that or the oculus.
I like the idea of the tech, I just don't see when I'd ever use it in any of my games???
VR isn't something you generally just plug into your existing games. You will probably want to play actual VR-focused games. Exceptions being genres that suit VR well already like flight and race sims.
I like the idea of the tech, I just don't see when I'd ever use it in any of my games???

You need to try it to understand. Games like ED are on another level in VR.

I challenge anyone to play Alien Isolation in VR and not scream like a girl when the alien catches them the first time :)
I'm personally finding the HTC vive more interesting from reading and watching videos on it. It will be interesting to see who chooses that or the oculus.

Already said this multiple times now, I think even as I am an oculus user already picking sides before anything is released is the silliest move you can make.

I'll choose whatever gives me the best high res experience with compatibility for the games I want to use it on, end of.
That's why I said it will be interesting to see who chooses what. No one is picking sides now. Purely from what iv seen so far I find the HTC vive the more interesting headset.
Ill chose whatever ends up the most interesting and exciting product.
At the moment it looks like the Oculus is more suited to sitting on your chair VR and the vive is more aimed at standing up and moving around your room.
We wont know just how good both are until release but if its true the vive will be available at Christmas this year depending on reviews I may go for that as the prospect of actually being able to walk around the room and using the motion controls together with that sounds amazing. Then again it will probably cost a fortune for that whole kit so ill end up waiting for the rift :D
I'm personally finding the HTC vive more interesting from reading and watching videos on it. It will be interesting to see who chooses that or the oculus.

Same here, though the Rift feedback seems to be based on real world experiences from real world people.

The Vive is still the one I'm looking forward to, but it does have an unrealistic untried 'vapourware' feel about at it at the moment...
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